Although it's the shortest month, February didn't disappoint in delivering a long list of clickable and engaging Oklahoma internet content.
Look back at the month that was below, and click here to check out our full 2022 year-end retrospective.

Story #1: Abby Broyles turns tween Valentine’s sleepover into drunken mean girl roast

Story #2: Abby Broyles heckled comedian and caused a drunken scene at non-profit benefit…
It looks like tween slumber parties aren't the only places where Abby Broyles likes to get snarky drunk mean girl.
Thanks to the Ogle Mole Network, we've confirmed that Abby caused a drunken scene and heckled a comedian at the Angels Foster Family Network "Storyteller Gala" on Monday, February 7th at the Jones Assembly.
We first caught wind of the news last week as the Broyles controversy began to swirl...
Related: Abby Broyles finally achieves national fame…

Exclusive: Norman Councilman once arrested for forging $10 bills
Yesterday afternoon, we acquired via the Ogle Mole Network some court documents and affidavits that provide more details about Lynn's forgery arrest.
On June 9th, 1997, about 20 days before he'd be arrested on drug charges, Lynn went to a gas station in a small Oklahoma town fittingly called Shady Point. While there, he went to the bathroom, cut the corners off some $10 bills, and then stuck them onto the corners of $1-bills. You know, typical methhead stuff. He then went to the cashier and tried to pass off two of the forged $10 bills for a $20. The cashier caught onto the ruse and called the police.
According to an affidavit, Lynn was quickly arrested, strip-searched and thrown into jail on forgery charges. The next day, he asked to speak to his arresting officer and confessed his guilt.
Related: Norman City Councilman accused of attacking 66-year-old woman at Louie’s…

Oklahoma Lawmaker claims Star Wars scene promotes “alternative lifestyles”
Last night, we obtained a video of Sherrie speaking to a fringe anti-public education group called Reclaim Oklahoma Parent Empowerment. In the video, she claimed that a scene from "Star Wars: A New Hope" where Darth Vader uses an IT-O Interrogator droid on Princess Leia is an example of Hollywood folks "injecting alternative lifestyles."
Related: Book Banning State Rep clarifies Star Wars remarks…

Louis Fowler suffers serious stroke. He needs our help.
We have some pretty terrible news to share, Moles.
On Sunday, February 6th, our dear friend Louis Fowler – TLO's long-time food writer and culture critic, and one of the best damn wordsmiths in this state – suffered a very serious stroke at his home in Oklahoma City.
After about a week in the ICU, Louis has now been moved to a stabilization unit at OUHSC and is facing a long and difficult road to recovery.

Train conductor saves woman floating on air mattress in Lake Texoma…
This should make for an interesting episode of "I Shouldn't Be Alive."
Earlier this week, KXII first reported the harrowing story about an Oklahoma woman who was swept across Lake Texoma on an air mattress for two days during last week's snowstorm and then rescued by train workers.

Carol Hefner poaches Lost Ogle proofreader for mayoral stretch run…
We have some sad news to announce.
A few weeks back, in a bold move to strengthen her campaign, Carol Hefner named Lost Ogle proofreader – Nathaniel W.H. Savage "Quatro" the IVth et al. – as the new copy editor for her "OKC is Hell on Earth" signed Angry Karen from Rose Creek mayoral campaign.
Nathaniel, using the skills he learned under our tutelage, hit the ground running and didn't disappoint.

10 Best Dressed Couples from the 2022 Speaker’s Ball!
This past weekend, lawmakers, lobbyists, grifters, mooches and the people who mate with them descended onto the old Cowboy Hall of Fame for the 2022 Speaker's Ball – a charity gala that serves as the unofficial kickoff to the upcoming legislative session, and is hosted by Oklahoma's Speaker of the House, Mr. Charles McCall,
As in years past, we acquired access to the private photo gallery for the event via the Ogle Mole Network. Being the trollish public watchdog jesters that we are, we thought we'd utilize American fair use laws and provide some commentary about some of them with you!

Who burned down The Canton? Here are 7 suspects.
It's been almost a week since the fancy, almost-completed Nichols Hills "high end" apartment complex The Canton burned to the ground like a pile of dry pine needles in a five-alarm blaze.
I know very little about commercial real estate accounting and property insurance, but you have to admit, it's pretty suspicious that a $65-million "luxury" apartment complex that had close to zero interest from Oklahoma renters burned to the ground weeks before it was supposed to open to no tenants.
Naturally, that has lots of people speculating that arson is the cause of the blaze. If so, here are seven suspects the authorities should take a closer look at...