Farewell Ode to Carly Atchison…
We crafted a poetic tribute to celebrate her departure from Stitt's propaganda office.
Carly Atchison’s low six-figure salary provides great example of gender pay gap…
Despite being a better communications troll, she's paid less than her male counterparts...
Stitt honors State Employees with comically absurd typo-filled proclamation…
This will definitely make state employees feel valued...
Good news! Taxpayers didn’t pay for Walters’s sad CPAC trip!
He put it on his campaign's tab instead.
Kevin Stitt signs “Transphobic Oklahoma Politicians Making Healthcare Decisions For Trans Kids” Act…
Open Records reveal Ryan Walters’s sad, desperate attempt to land CPAC speaking gig…
Thanks to some open records we’ve obtained via The Ogle Mole Network, we were treated to a behind-the-scenes look at how Ryan Walters’s PR team tried to score him a speaking gig in DC at CPAC, and their efforts to get Oklahoma taxpayers to front the bill.