The Oklahoma Standard strikes again!
On Monday afternoon, Oklahoma Governor Kevin Stitt signed into law SB 613.
Dubbed the “Transphobic Oklahoma Politicians Making Medical Decisions For Trans Kids” Act, the bill effectively prohibits Oklahoma trans kids from receiving gender transition surgeries and hormone therapies because, well, closed-minded intolerant politicians and the people who vote for them think being transgendered is weird, yucky and scary.
Naturally, Stitt can’t come out and be that honest about things, so he and his anti-trans cohorts – a group of people who want to keep the government out of people’s lives only when it’s convenient for them – have to make silly claims that they’re “protecting our kids” by forcing them to experience gender dysphoria until the age of 18.
Here’s what Ole Stitter had to say about it:
"Last year, I called for a statewide ban on all irreversible gender transition surgeries and hormone therapies on minors so I am thrilled to sign this into law today and protect our kids,” said Governor Stitt. “We cannot turn a blind eye to what’s happening across our nation, and as governor I am proud to stand up for what’s right and ban life-altering transition surgeries on children in the state of Oklahoma."
First of all, the bill essentially bans all gender transition surgeries and hormone therapies for minors who, with the consultation of their parents and doctors, are seeking a gender transition.
I think Stitt and Co. added “irreversible” to save a little face and make it seem like he and the Oklahoma Taliban are being reasonable about things, even though they’re not.
Check out how the bill defines gender transition procedures:

Obviously, nobody is shocked that Oklahoma has become the latest state to pass anti-trans legislation.
We’re always near the bottom of the pack when it comes to acceptance and tolerance for those who aren’t white bible-thumping folks. And with transphobia replacing Homophobia as the latest “clutching the jewels” moral issue for conservatives, the only surprise here is Oklahoma didn’t pass the bill sooner.
On that note, it will be interesting and scary to see what anti-trans legislation they pass next. Now that they’ve banned gender transition procedures for kids, you have to think they’re going to try to "protect" grown-ups next.
Stay with The Lost Ogle. We’ll keep you advised.