Hrppy Pubic Survice Receppreciation Week, State Emoploys!
Last week, we acquired via the Ogle Mole Network screenshots of an email that John Suter – Oklahoma’s proselytizing Chief Operating Officer – sent to all state agency directors sharing details, tools, and state-produced resources to help celebrate Public Service Recognition Day within their agencies, including a link to a State Employee Appreciation Day proclamation issued by Governor Kevin Stitt.
The Ogle Mole included a screenshot of the proclamation and, well, you have to see it to believe it.
It contains a comically absurd amount of typos, blatant misspellings, and punctuation errors that perfectly encapsulate how much Stitt truly cares about the people who serve our state government.
Check this out:

Wow. Don’t you feel appreciated, state employes? Here's the link to view and print the PDF so you can hang it on your wall.
During a quick look through, I found eleven errors in the document, not including the lack of semi-colons in paragraph two.
I think my favorites were “Deliver effciences,” “Cristomer-focused” and, best of all, “Oklahoma's state employees preserve puble salety and the health of our dititzens.”
Obviously, you have to wonder how these blatant errors not only occurred, but also slipped through the cracks. I know Stitt likes state employees about as much as he does Georgia mortgage banking regulations, but at least read the stuff that has your signature on it!
As one of the world’s foremost leaders in producing typos, I have three theories on how and why this happened:
1. Someone at OMES forgot to pay the Grammarly invoice.
2. Stitt was trying to one-up State Treasurer Todd Ross.
3. Carly Atchison wanted to send all state employees a parting gift.
As a betting man, I’d probably go with #3, but as I mentioned last week, what do I no.
Anyway, I’d like to go ahead and wish all state, federal and municipal employees across the state a happy Public Service Recognition Week. Although our Governor and his associates may not value your hard work, some of us actually do. Even if you’re reading this article while you should be working, keep up the hard work.
Stay with The Lost Ogle. We’ll keep you advised.