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carly atchison

Farewell Ode to Carly Atchison…

We crafted a poetic tribute to celebrate her departure from Stitt's propaganda office.

May 19, 2023

Carly Atchison’s low six-figure salary provides great example of gender pay gap…

Despite being a better communications troll, she's paid less than her male counterparts...

May 10, 2023

Stitt snubs Walters! And we know why.

The Governor has officially pulled his nomination of Ryan Walters to serve as Secretary of Public Education.

April 12, 2023

Kevin Stitt gives Trump the social media silent treatment…

Based on the social media silence and other activities, it looks like Stitt has switched his parking boot over to the Desantis bandwagon...

March 20, 2023

Bolsonaro visits Broken Arrow. Apparently meets with Governor Stitt.

He was invited to town by the Broken Arrow police.

February 23, 2023

Ryan Walters’s new PR chief still learning how email works…

He sent an empty mass email to the agency's press release list and didn't use the BCC button.

February 17, 2023