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Kevin Stitt gives Trump the social media silent treatment…

Based on the social media silence and other activities, it looks like Stitt has switched his parking boot over to the Desantis bandwagon...

As you may have heard, my old pal Donald Trump visited Tulsa this past weekend to watch a bunch of college-aged boys roll around on the mat at the NCAA wrestling championships with Senator Marcuswayne Mullin.

Here’s a tweet from Marcuswayne about it:

That's fun! I wonder if Trump knows the difference between collegiate wrestling and the scripted WWE stuff he watches on TV. I bet they both openly complained that the wrestlers didn’t start hitting each with chairs and throw bodies onto tables. 

With the Trump cult being a powerful force in Oklahoma politics, you’d think Governor Kevin Stitt would have hyped the visit as he did back in 2020 when Trump came to Tulsa and inadvertently killed Herman Cain

For some reason, though, Stitt and his propaganda team totally ignored the visit on social media and didn’t use it as an opportunity to pander to the hardcore right-wing crowd that decides Oklahoma elections.

Instead, they used his social media platform to grandstand on partisan policy wonk and cheer on the Oral Roberts men’s basketball team. 

Yep, Trump’s visit didn’t even score an obligatory social media share from Governor Stitt.

That’s kind of weird when you consider A) Still loves to pander on social media and B) Stitt was at the event chasing around the former President, even waltzing into the desolate arena as part of Trump’s entourage!

Yikes! I don’t think the BOK Center has been that empty for the event since the aforementioned Trump rally in 2020! 

You have to wonder what gives here. Why is Stitt suddenly avoiding Trump like he’s a facemask during a global pandemic?

This February article from Politico may hold the answer... 

The group of Ron DeSantis’ top donors and supporters gathering in Palm Beach, Fla., this weekend includes some longtime backers of former President Donald Trump.


The event also included several of DeSantis’ fellow governors, including Oklahoma Gov. Kevin Stitt, who benefited from a Trump-hosted fundraiser during his reelection bid last year…


“Gov. Stitt believes Ron DeSantis has done an excellent job leading as Florida’s governor, especially through COVID, supporting law enforcement, reforming education and supporting parental rights,” said Carly Atchison, a spokesperson for Stitt, who met with Trump at Mar-a-Lago last year.

Yep, that’s right. 

It appears that Stitt is ditching Trumpmania and attaching his son’s parking boot to the DeSantis bandwagon.

That’s kind of crazy when you think about it.

Not only is Trump still wildly popular amongst the Derplahoman voting base, but he’s also the guy who inspired Kevin to enter the political arena, start voting, and buy his way into public office.

Plus, the two have spent the last six years mutually kissing each other’s asses, and endorsing each other’s campaigns. 

Knowing what we know about Trump’s obsession with loyalty, it kind of makes you wonder if the lack of social media photos has more to do with him than Kevin.

Just watch this brief exchange the two had as Trump was being ushered to his seat. 

I wonder what they were talking about there? Was Stitt bugging the former president to apply for a reverse mortgage, or was he simply pointing to the area of the arena where Herman Cain caught Covid? 

Regardless, a smug Trump doesn’t appear to be very into it. It's like he knows Stitt is the latest right-wing disciple turned Judas, and treats him as such. Unfortunately for Stitt and Oklahoma, Trump isn't very forgiving.

Anyway, it will be interesting to see if Stitt’s switch of allegiances works out or backfires. 

Based on A) Trump’s unblemished record of slaughtering Republican challengers and B) Stitt’s unique ability to make political gaffes, blunders and miscalculations, I’m leaning towards backfire, but I guess we’ll wait and see. 

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