If at first you don’t succeed in indoctrinating people with your religion, try and try again!
A decade or so after a 10 Commandments monument at the Oklahoma State Capitol was erected, crashed into with a car, and ultimately removed because it violated the Oklahoma Constitution, state lawmakers are ready to turn back the clock and work overtime to promote and honor ancient Christian mythologies outside the halls of government.
As part of his deranged Legipalooza 2024 portfolio, David Bullard – the leading frontrunner for the 2024 Derplahoman of Year Award – has introduced legislation to rebuild a 10 Commandments monument at the Oklahoma Capitol.
Wash, rinse and repeat via KOKH Fox 25:
Senator David Bullard filed a bill to be heard in the upcoming legislative session that would "prominently display and protect" a Ten Commandments monument both inside and outside the Oklahoma State Capitol.
Sen. Bullard declared the monument symbolic for its "historic significance" for Oklahoman and American history.
If the bill passes, the Governor, House Speaker and Senate President Pro Tempore will help design, place, secure, and construct the monument.
The bill also says only donated funds can be used for it, and the monument cannot be relocated once it's in place without the approval of 3/4 of both the Senate and House.
I believe it was Moses, or Churchill, who said “Those who ignore history are doomed to repeat it.” I guess Bullard isn’t familiar with that quote, or the history of the 10 Commandments monument in Oklahoma, or he wouldn’t be wasting his time with all this!
The Supreme Court ruled in 2015 that the 10 Commandments monument violated the Oklahoma Constitution, so it was taken down a moved to the OCPA Dunce Tank.
As a response, Derplahomans filed a ballot petition in 2016 – State Question 790 – that would have changed the constitution to allow public money to be spent for religious purposes. It was soundly defeated by a 15% margin, ruining the hopes, dreams and prayers of theocrats like Bullard who wanted to use taxpayer money to shove their religion down our throats.
Unconstitutionality aside, Bullard also must not be aware of the troubled history of the monument, because it’s pretty obvious God or Jesus or the Holy Spirit put a curse on it.
When it was first unveiled, it was littered with typos that would make any loyal TLO proofreader proud:

Then in 2014 some mentally ill man crashed his car into it…

Finally, in 2015, a group of cowboys came down from Mt. Scott and gave Governor Mary Fallin her own mini-set of 10 Commandments, including the awkward one about adultery.

In addition to all that, the whole fiasco opened up the door for the Satanic Temple to get its own monument, which fortunately never happened. Just ask our neighbors in Arkansas.

Anyway, even though the 10 Commandments monument isn’t going to happen due to the less scared, more legally sound set of laws found in the Oklahoma Constitution, something tells me this won’t be the last time Oklahoma theocratic politicians force their religion down everyone's throats.
Because, you know, those who ignore history are doomed to repeat it.