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DA Still Mad At Judge Who Joked About His Small Penis

Late last week, KFOR filed a quick update on Traci Soderstrom – the Lincoln county judge who became national news fodder after it was revealed she spent a murder trial scrolling through Facebook, sharing GIFs, and texting her bailiff about DA Adam Panter’s small penis.

After the texting news became public, Oklahoma Supreme Court Justice John Kane filed a lengthy petition claiming the details surrounding that case – as well as other incidents like when she forced male attorneys to pose for photos in pink chairs – as proof that Soderstrom’s unfit to be a judge.

I guess Soderstrom finally got around to filing a response to that petition. 95% of it was her complaining about not having the investigative case file, and as a result, not being able to respond to the claims.

She did, however, address how video of her doom-scrolling through social media apps and texting about the size of a man’s genitalia during a murder trial got leaked to the press.

She essentially claims the footage from her courtroom was obtained by the sheriff under false pretenses and then handed over to the DA, who leaked it to Nolan Clay at The Oklahoman.

Basically, her defense is she would have gotten away with it if it weren’t for those meddling cops and their stupid DA with the small penis:

According to the documents, Judge Soderstrom said “when the security camera was initially removed, she was not aware of any publicity regarding alleged texting until the Lincoln County Sheriff, Charlie Daughtery [sic] advised [Soderstrom] he had provided the security camera footage to the District Attorney, Adam Panter, who then leaked the footage to reporter Nolan Clay” of the Oklahoman who broke the story...

“The issue is in Lincoln county. The sheriff’s office, who has control over that data, provided it to someone who provided it to the press,” said Schumacher.

Soderstrom adds DA Panter asked for the footage “under the guise of an investigation and was provided the potential evidence without a warrant, court order, or subpoena.”

We all know that the relationship between Oklahoma County Sheriffs and their DA buddies is way too cozy, and generally leads to corruption, misconduct, and highly selective and unfair application and enforcement of the law, but it is nice to finally see it benefit the public for once! I guess it’s also good to know that nobody is immune to their shady ways and rule-breaking, even inept judges!

KFOR spoke to Adam Panter – the DA with weird shriveled hands that look like they just spent an hour in the swimming pool. He’s still mad at the judge who joked about his small penis:

District Attorney Adam Panter told News 4 he is unable to comment on the specifics of the allegations against Judge Soderstrom. However, he can comment on the issue as a whole.

The district attorney said after the investigation was thoroughly conducted, the Council on Judicial Complaints allowed Judge Soderstrom an opportunity to explain her conduct.

“Rather than provide valid reasons behind her conduct, she lied to the Council and refused any accountability,” DA Panter told News 4 in a statement. “Judge Soderstrom is an embarrassment to our judicial system and to the people of the State of Oklahoma and I welcome the opportunity to testify about the specifics of her egregious and unprofessional conduct that I witnessed in support of her removal.”

I’m not an expert in how judicial discipline proceedings work, but it would be kind of funny to see if Sodertram calls a couple of Panter’s ex-girlfriends to testify in a case in a spiteful and petty attempt to get revenge on him.

Anyway, you can view all the documents and details of the case over at OSCN. Stay with The Lost Ogle. We’ll keep you advised.

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