In somewhat surprising news, voters in some of our state’s more civilized municipalities made some sane and sound decisions at the ballot box yesterday, rejecting some of the right-wing culture war fighters who were seeking public office, and instead settling on the more mainstream alternatives.
Here’s a quick breakdown of some of the more notable results:

• Darrell Davis narrowly elected to second term as Edmond Mayor
Davis sneaked out a win over challenger Brian Shellem by about 500 votes. Shellem’s claim to fame is that he fought hard against public health-focused protocols implemented in public schools during a global pandemic, while Davis is better known for standing up to Derplahomans who were mad about Pride Month.

• Unite Norman movement continues to fizzle
In a tightly contested rematch election, Michael Nash retook his City Council seat from incumbent Rarchar Tortorello by 28 votes.
Tortorello was one of two people from the brick-throwing Unite Norman brigade to win city council seats over the past couple of years – our pal Kelly Lynn was the other – and then promptly turn around and lose them. You’d hope this would put an end to the whole Unite Norman movement, but as any horror movie fan will tell you, the monster usually returns for a sequel.

• Putnam City Student Sex Clubs are safe… for now
Lori Tuggle – the Putnam City School Board Candidate who vowed to dismantle all student sex clubs – was soundly defeated by incumbent Judy Hopper by a count of 34% to 65%. I was really hoping for Judy to get 69% of the vote so Lori would claim there’s some international sex club conspiracy at work, but I – and everyone else in support of high school sex clubs – will still still enjoy the victory.
• Tulsans reject Stitt & Walters backed Evangelical for School Board…
Despite the hard work of his armed supporters, Jared Buswell – the right-wing evangelical that Kevin Stitt and Ryan Walters backed for the Tulsa School Board – was soundly defeated by incumbent Stacey Woolley by a 68% - 31% margin. I guess God spoke, huh?

• The Village elects first-ever black woman to City Council…
Melodie Moore became the first ever black woman elected to The Village City Council, winning the election by just 13 points over Jane Lowther. We’d like to congratulate Melodie on her accomplishment.

• Maressa Treat squeaks by in Oklahoma County Clerk Race…
Maressa Treat took home the Oklahoma County Clerk race by a 52% to 48% margin. With all of her built-in advantages – like being a Republican and having access to her husband's (Oklahoma Senate Majority leader Greg Treat) political connections and fundraising resources – I was honestly surprised it was that close. I would complain more about that, but I’m still not sure what a County Clerk even does, so whatever.
(For what it's worth, I honestly doubt Maressa knows what a County Clerk does either. I just assumed that with her husband about to be term-limited out of the State Senate, someone in the family needed a stable government job with benefits).

• Jessi James elected to Boise City school board
I like to scour the Election Board website for races that don’t get a lot of attention, so I’d like to congratulate sharp shooting bandit Jessi James for taking home a seat on the Boise City school board.
Although he can’t get approved for a loan at Credit Jewelry, James is apparently the track and field coach for Panhandle State University – a real thing that exists – but wants voters to know he’s not just about sports.

We wish Jessi the best of luck in making sure Oklahoma’s forgotten Panhandle students get the best education possible and, unlike him, find a way to get out of the Panhandle.
Stay with The Lost Ogle. We’ll keep you advised.