Congrats if you drew Danielle Davis's name in this year's "Who Will Be The First Oklahoma News Personality To Inadvertently Say Something Racist On Morning Television" lottery.
A couple of days ago, Danielle was going through the morning weather report on Fox 25's Good Day Oklahoma. While trying to talk about Oklahoma's "Near Record Highs," she made a tongue-twisting flub of all flubs.
Check it out below:
Yeaaaaaaah. That's not a good look. I don't know Danielle personally, and where she stands on the woke to racist scale, but I'm going to be optimistic and assume that she got her tongue-tied and accidentally said the one word you can't or shouldn't say anywhere, much less on television. Yes, it was an embarrassing gaffe, but that's what it was– a gaffe. There doesn't appear to be any malice involved, and the whole thing should just be chalked up as an honest mistake.
Well, at least that's my opinion. Based on some of the Facebook comments, it looks like a lot of other people feel differently. They complained to Fox 25, which led to the channel going full Streisand Effect and issuing this apology...
I guess you can't blame people for being upset and suspicious about the flub. We do live in the Age of Outrage. Plus, this isn't the first time a female morning host in Oklahoma has "inadvertently" said something stupid on TV that people have construed as racist.
In 2019, Mandy Bailey was fired as a morning meteorologist at KSWO after she drew a noose for the clue "Hang In There" during a cheesy Pictionary-type segment.

A couple of months later, KOCO morning anchor Alex Housden caused an uproar after she said her co-anchor, Jason Hackett, looked like a newborn chimpanzee at the zoo. Who could forget that clip, and our Ogle Mole's elongated toes?
If you ask me, the difference between these incidents is Danielle's appears to be an innocuous flub, whereas Mandy and Alex both showed, at the very least, a serious lack of awareness and judgment.
In their apology, Fox 25 said they'd take "appropriate action in this matter." I'm not sure what that action is, but Danielle was tweeting about the weather last night. Either way, I doubt you'll see her on the air again on Fox 25 after this week. This isn't because she's going to be suspended or fired, but she already had her foot out the door.
Stay with The Lost Ogle. We'll keep you advised.