Happy Monday, my fellow OKC residents and mom’s four friends in Elk City who read my stuff.
Every now and then, Patrick and I like to hop in the TLO nostalgia machine and check up on some of the people, personalities and things The Lost Ogle has covered (or would have covered) over the years. Here is the latest edition of Where Are They Now?...

Jack Bowen
For a brief time in the late 1980s to mid 1990s, while a young Kelly, Kevin and Kent spent their young adult days and nights practicing tongue twisters and enunciating verbs, the OKC news anchor scene was an Ogleless void dominated by Jack Bowen. He was friendly enough for you grandmother, serious enough for your grandfather, and just creepy enough for "Wednesday's Child."
Jack left the TV news biz in the late 1990s, and things quickly went downhill from there. In 2003, he was charged with misdemeanor stalking after he allegedly "dressed in a woman's fur coat and a fake beard" and tried to place a "partially nude photograph" on the bridal store window where she worked. He rebounded from the gaffe to be the Internet sale manager for the now defunct Cable VW.
The last thing we can find about Jack Bowen was that he – along with "I'm not in the KKK" member Paul Blair – was a columnist for some strange, now defunct publication called the OKC Metro Voice. His last column appears to have been published in 2013, and was titled "Compassion That Soothes The Soul." – Patrick

Former Representative Gus Blackwell
Way back in 2013 when we liked Kevin Durant and Edmond people were still skeptical of food trucks, Marisa told us about a lawmaker by the name of Representative Gus Blackwell who introduced House Bill 1674. The bill aimed to “encourage” teachers in the state to question the “controversy” of evolution in the classroom. Well, last month, the former lawmaker pleaded guilty in a case that accused him of falsifying a campaign report and embezzling over $20,000 from his own campaign. It turns out Old Gus’s statements on the accuracy of science were not the only data that should’ve been questioned. – Hayley

The Hipster Prince of Edmond
Three years ago, an Ogle Mole sent Patrick the link to a website that introduced me to the leader of my generation: Chase Reeser, the Hipster Prince of Edmond. He had everything we needed in an icon for millennials in Edmond and beyond, including an ironic mustache, Emoji-filled slang-uage that only our people understand, and at least 17 hashtags following every sentence he wrote. According to his Instagram, nowadays our Hipster Prince is spending his time growing his hair out, arguing that millennials are the dopest generation, and of course, appearing in videos for DIY smartphone projectors. – Hayley

The Unidentified Dead Man from 1981
Word on the street is that to this day the unidentified dead man from 1981 is still unidentified. And dead. – Hayley
Tall Paul
The JD Salinger of Oklahoma City claymation pitchman, the reclusive Taul Paul was selling insurance before the Geico cavemen were even born. At last check, he lives in a secluded area in southeast Oklahoma collecting scrap metal from cars, trucks and mobile homes. – Patrick

Moore Rapper Barbie
Being that her twitter and Facebook haven’t been updated in a while, it’s hard to tell what Moore rapper Barbie Doll has been up to since she became famous (on TLO, anyway) for her 2017 music video “Barbie World.” In her last social media update it looked like she was hanging out in a pool somewhere exotic like Las Vegas or the Great Wolf Lodge in Kansas City. But being that most mid-twenties millennials have a smaller monthly income than what it takes to keep her roots blonde, we can safely assume that Barbie is probably back to living with her parents in Moore about now. – Hayley

Young Jenni Carlson T-Shirt Coffee Mug
In 2011, we put a Young Jenni Carlson t-shirt coffee mug on Zazzle for the holiday shopping season. After selling three of the mugs and profiting several dollars, The Oklahoman sent us a cease and desist. Now that The Oklahoman is operated by new ownership that apparently didn't realize they own both the Journal Record and The Oklahoman, we may be able to put this rarity back in the internet. Stay tuned. – Patrick

The Mac and Cheese Bath Bomb Girls
Remember the two Oklahoma State students who used mac and cheese as a bath bomb a couple of years ago? They've moved on the Annie's are still cleaning cheese powder out from the folds of their ears. – Hayley
Greyson Chance
In 2010, Greyson Chance was on top of the world. The teen's performance of Paparazzi at an Edmond talent show, along with the reactions of love struck teens girls in the background, took the internet by storm. Before you could say "Chase you down until you love me," he was performing on Ellen and signed to record labels. Some thought he could be the next Justin Bieber!
Fortunately, that never happened. Eight years later, Greyson's career has fizzled but not totally floundered. He's still writing music and touring the country. As late as a year ago, he was a student at the University of Tulsa. He's also officially come out as gay. Sorry Edmond girls. – Patrick

Nipple Church
Nipple Church still looks like a nipple, which I guess is why the Sweet Home gang calls it the City Tittie. Sadly, with the church and it's prime real estate being on the market, the nipple may soon go down. – Hayley
Hayley somehow came across her old MySpace in this investigation process. Follow her on twitter @squirrellygeek