Halloween 2015 has come and gone. How was yours? Overrated and anti-climatic as usual??? Don't worry, it's like that for just about everyone.
While some people were out partying or trick-or-treating or sleeping, others just chilled at their house, dined on some chili, and chugged a 4-pack of Ogletoberfest, which is now available in most liquor stores.
Yep, Emily Sutton drank our beer for Halloween. What a treat! If you think this is the greatest moment of my life, well, you were not with me when I vacationed in Florida in 2002, but it's up there. It's almost as cool as the Severe Weather Princess dressing up as one of our 2015 Oklahoma Halloween Costume Ideas:
Wow. So Emily Sutton not only drank our beer, but she also reads our site and wears our costume ideas. Call me crazy, but I'm starting to think Emily Sutton may have a little crush on us. Please don't tell her fiance, Michael. I don't want him to throw change at my car next Memorial Day.
Emily Sutton wasn't the only person to go with one of our 2015 Halloween Costume ideas. Check out what these two people did:
That's amazing! They dressed up as Sir John Michael and JoJo for Halloween! The lemons at the top of the staff really bring the costume together. As they say, when life hands you lemons, dress up as Sir John Michael for Halloween.
We also had an Ogle Mole use our idea for the 10 Commandments Monument. I'm not sure if it was a yard decoration or costume, but either way, I'll take it:
I like the dig at Hipster Boo Boo on the sign. On that note, someone took a suggestion from our 2014 Halloween Costume list and dressed up as Hipster Boo Boo for Halloween:
Question? Is it still cultural appropriation when your costume makes fun of someone else's cultural appropriation? I'm not sure.
All the costumes above are great, but the real winner of Halloween was Kent Sharp. He's the husband of Lahoma Mayor, Theresa Sharp. According to the Enid News Eagle, he and his buddies celebrated Halloween by dressing up as Klansmen and throwing a bonfire party:
Before you call this dude a racist, he has a pretty decent excuse. He was drunk and it was Halloween:
Garfield County Sheriff Jerry Niles described a Saturday night event involving Ku Klux Klan robes and a bonfire near Lahoma as a “Halloween prank gone bad.”
The incident occurred at the 200 block of Anthony Drive in Lahoma, according to a preliminary report filed by the Garfield County Sheriff’s Office.
Cary Kent Sharp, 47, of Lahoma is listed as a suspect in the report, which lists the offender as suspected of using alcohol.
Lahoma Police Chief Matt Hankins said Sharp, who is the husband of Lahoma Mayor Theresa Sharp, was not charged.
“It was a prank gone bad,” Mayor Sharp said.
Mayor Sharp clarified she was nowhere near her property during the incident.
"I was out trick-or-treating with my son, and I in no way support the activities that occurred," she said.
Cary Sharp said no harm was meant.
“This is ridiculous, really,” Cary Sharp said. “It was a Halloween night.”
Okay, okay, that explains everything. It was Halloween and alcohol was involved. Anything goes, right? Plus, let's be honest. Who hasn't got hammered on Halloween night, grabbed their ready-made KKK robes from the the closet, and thrown a mini-rally in their backyard? It's not racist at all. It happens all the time, especially if you're a racist bigot who loves to embarass our state.