The cute dog pictured above is Buster. He's a K9 from Tulsa that's about to get really stoned and / or make it rain at a strip club.
From News on 6:
Tulsa Police confiscated over 22 pounds of marijuana and $332,700 in cash during a drug bust earlier this month. Police say the Organized Gang Unit and the aptly named K-9 officer Buster made the arrest.
Gang Unit officers served several search warrants at homes in the area of 300 South Trenton Avenue, 200 South Richard Avenue and a storage unit facility in Tulsa on May 1, 2014.
"As a result of these warrants, officers recovered approximately 22 pounds of high grade marijuana, one and a half pounds of psychedelic mushrooms and the cash," a news release states.
A narcotics officer and his K-9 partner Buster assisted in the investigation.
Police arrested 36-year-old Austin Hingey of Tulsa. He was booked on complaints of possession of marijuana with intent to distribute, receiving drug proceeds derived from illegal activity and possession of controlled drugs with intent.
First of all, don't you feel safe knowing that marijuana is off the streets? I sure do. I bet that's really going to prevent people from smoking pot in their living room and watching Workaholics.
Also, I feel safe knowing that $332,700 in drug money is in the hands of law enforcement. Now they can use the money to fund even more drug stings, recover even more drug money, and put even more people in jail. What a great system, huh? Thank goodness marijuana isn't legalized, taxed and regulated. It would be a shame to see cops, gang members and private prisons have to seek out new sources of funding and revenue
Speaking of gangs, check out the banger the caught in this deal. His name is Austin Hingey. It's another reason why the War on Drugs is so awesome:

Uhm, is that a tree branch growing out of your head or are you just happy to see me? I wonder if the person who took the mug shot had to ask him to point the dog tail growing from his skull to the left, or if it naturally parts that way? It probably just does that whenever he thinks of Korn.