Before Ogle Madness [view bracket] officially tips-off next week, we have to determine the final four entries into the field. Before we get to that, let me say one thing.
Got to Hell, NCAA. Things like Ogle Madness were pretty simple when you had a 64-team basketball tournament. I was kind of okay with the first play-in game, but inviting 68 teams to the Big Dance is tupid. It dilutes the field and makes knock-off tournaments like ours even more complicated to run. Leave the NCAA tournament alone. Stop messing with it and instead give us a college football playoff.
Anyway, here are the four play-in games...or first four...or whatever it's called. Also, don't forget to email your pick to win Ogle Madness to OgleMadness@gmail.com. If you choose correctly, you can possibly win a $250 feast to Deep Fork Grill .
Game 1: (16) Mike Morgan’s Bedazzled Weather Tie vs. (16) Val’s Gentner
Game 2: (16) Diffee Kids vs (16) Express Credit Auto Guy
Game 3: (15) NewsOK.com Wedding Couple vs. (15) OKC Chamber Commercial Singers
Game 4: (14) Toby Keith vs. (14) Jack McBride
Read about them and vote after the jump:
(16) Mike Morgan’s Bedazzled Weather Tie vs. (16) Val’s Gentner

(16) Mike Morgan’s Bedazzled Weather Tie:
Conference: Severe Signature Clothing Items
What is: The red bedazzled tie that KFOR's Mike Morgan wears during high-risk severe weather outbreaks
Biggest Strength: The ability to hypnotize people into taking tornado precautions
Biggest Weakness: Blinds small children

(16) Val’s Gentner:
Conference: Lord England's Minions
What it is: The burning bush of Oklahoma weather icons
Biggest Strength: The ability to inform Lord England of impending doom
Biggest Weakness: There's only one
(16) Diffee Kids vs (16) Express Credit Auto Guy

(16) Diffee Kids:
Conference: Annoying Adolescent Pitchkids
Who they are: The pitchkids for the Diffee Auto family
Biggest Strength: Making grandmothers smile
Biggest Weakness: Making you want to buy a car

About (16) Express Credit Auto Guy:
Conference: Used Car Salesmen
Who he is: The calm, cool and collected guy who sells used cars to poor people with shitty credit
Biggest Strength: Buying advertising on local television stations
Biggest Weakness: Appearing sincere and trustworthy
(15) NewsOK.com Wedding Couple vs. (15) OKC Chamber Commercial Singers

About (15) NewsOK.com Wedding Couple
Conference: Sponsored Weddings and Engagements
Who they are: The couple who decided to have a very public and cheesy engagement and wedding on NewsOK.com
Biggest Strength: Getting family and friends to post comments on our site
Biggest Weakness: Making you not want to throw up in your mouth

About (15) OKC Chamber Commercial Singers
Conference: Oklahoma City Chamber of Commerce Cronies
Who they are: The singing duo from the cheesy "Where We've Been (Where We Are Going)" chamber commercial
Biggest Strength: Looking, acting and singing like white people who go to LifeChurch.tv
Biggest Weakness: Choosing gigs
(14) Toby Keith vs. (14) Jack McBride
Editor's Note: These two guys virtually tied for the title of "Biggest Douche Bag" in last summer's "Worst of OKC." I guess whoever wins this will be the winner...or loser...or whatever.

(14) Toby Keith
Conference: Gay Cowboys
Who he is: God, Guns, and OU football lovin' country music superstar, actor and restaurateur
Biggest Strength: Singing songs about red cups
Biggest Weakness: Everything else

(14) Jack McBride
Conference: Douche Bag Syndicate of Oklahoma City
Who he is: Publisher of So6ix magazine
Biggest Strength: Making me feel douchey for even typing the word So6ix
Biggest Weakness: Publishing a quality magazine
Thanks for participating. Voting ends on Friday at midnight.