After four and half long weeks, our 2011 Worst of OKC has finally concluded. It helped us learn important things about our city, like what is the worst suburb, where is the worst tourist attraction and who is the worst douche bag.
We'd like to thank everyone who participated in this year's competition. The only way things like this can work is if people vote, and vote you all did. Here are some quick facts about the competition:
• We received approximately 17,500 total votes. If you average that out, that equals about 875 votes for each category. That's not too shabby for a poll on an obscure local social blog.
• The biggest landslide was Sally Kern winning Worst Politician. The closest poll was for Worst Douche Bag.
• Nearly 1,400 people cast a vote for Worst Douche Bag. It was our most active poll. The least active was worst Tweetbag with only 528 votes. This kind of proves my unscientific theory that regular people really don't care that much about Twitter.
Anyway, check out all the results after the jump. And let us know in the comments if we should make this a yearly feature.
Worst Anchorman: Stan Miller (41% of the vote)
I think Stan Miller won this category due picture we posted of him impersonating a suburban biker.
Worst Anchorwoman: Robin Marsh (31% of the vote)
Robin Marsh just happens to co-anchor the News 9 morning show with Stan Miller. Now I'm not an esteemed statistician, but if we had a "Worst TV Morning Show" category, I think I know who may win.
Worst Douche Bag: Toby Keith (27%) and Jack McBride (27%)
Keith and McBride — that sounds like a law firm — both finished with 27% of the vote in this category. Even though Toby finished with a few more votes, we're going to recognize both of them for this douchie achievement.
Worst Gay Cruising Spot: Olivet Baptist Church Parking Lot (54%)
This is Sally Kern's church. I'm very surprised it won.
Worst Intersection: W. Memorial Rd. and N. Pennsylvania (42%)
Picking the worst intersection in Oklahoma City is liking picking the ugliest person at the state fair. There are plenty of choices, but someone has to win.
Worst Jim Traber Catchphrase: I gotta give it up to myself (53%)
The rumor at the Citadel is Jim Traber likes to "give it up to himself" while watching old Cal Ripken highlights.
Worst Energy Company: Tulsa Shock (41%)
Yeah, technically they are not an energy company, but they have an energy company sounding name. Plus they suck.
Worst News Broadcast: KOKH 25 (41%)
If Jaime Cerreta would have accepted my apology (and several Edna's Lunch Boxes), I would have totally rigged this poll.
Worst Place to Park Your Car: Any driveway patrolled by the Video Vigilante (41%)
The best part about this category is that the Video Vigilante posted a link to the poll on Twitter. I think he even filmed the people who didn't vote for him. That includes you, Tim.
Worst Politician: Sally Kern (91%)
Sally Kern won 91% of the vote in this category. It should be noted that she was up against any other politician in Oklahoma. Go ahead and practice lowering your head and sighing when she is reelected next fall.
Worst Print Publication: The Oklahoman (41%)
Maybe the Oklahoman will get better now that it's under new ownership. You know, just like Two and Half Men will get better with Ashton Kutcher.
Worst Radio Station: KTOK Newstalk 1000 (37%)
KTOK topped the KATT( 20%) in this poll. That means Lost Ogle readers would rather listen to Hinder, Nickelback and Poison than Rush Limbaugh and Glenn Beck. I'm not sure if that's good or bad.
Worst Rich Person who will probably sue us for making this list: Any Gaylord (57%)
Maybe this is why they sold the damn paper.
Worst Sports Radio Personality: Jim Traber (44%)
The King of the Yardbirds may have won this poll, but he didn't dominate like I thought he would. What a failure.
Worst Suburb: Del City (41%)
Well, at least Del City finally won something.
Worst Thunder Player: Byron Mullens (60%)
On a positive note, I heard the Byron Mullens is a nice, genuine guy. Then again, if I made a couple of million while sitting on the bench of a championship caliber NBA team, I'd be a nice, genuine guy, too.
Worst Tourist Attraction: World of Wings Museum (30%)
The World of Wings Museum received over 200 votes in this category. I wonder how many of those voters have actually been to this pigeon museum? I would guess two.
Worst Tweetbag: Patrick Allmond (33%)
Newsflash: When you do get a vanity license plate on your Mercedes that says "TWITTER," you are going to win just about any Tweetbag contest. You're also going to get a lot of people hoping that a ton of pigeons shit on your car.
Worst Weatherman: Mike Morgan (33%)
Even though our readers voted his wife the Oklahoman of the Month for June 2011, Mike Morgan edged out John Slater for this dubious honor. That being said, Mike Morgan is laughing to the bank. John Slater is probably laughing to a 2002 Camry.
Worst Website: Wimgo.com (33%)
From what I heard, Wimgo.com was the brainchild of current Oklahoman Publisher Chris Reen. The Oklahoman is in excellent hands.