So it begins!
Before we start today's match-ups, we should let everyone know that the Ghost of Ed Gaylord beat the Ghost of Oral Roberts by a vote of 237 - 176 in the Ogle Madness play-in game. I'm not sure what that means, but either way, it's scary.
Also, here are some more things to review before we officially tip- off Ogle Madness;
"¢ Here is the 65 man/women/thing tournament bracket. This one may be easier to view and print than the previous one we posted. Also, we eliminated some typos. To stay true to form, we added some, too.
"¢ Some people have asked us what the voting criteria is for Ogle Madness. Basically, there isn't any. I guess it's just vote for whoever you want to advance or for who you like more. That is, of course, unless you are voting for Patrick. Patrick is handsome. He's also possibly writing this.
"¢ In Ogle Madness, polls are open for only one day. That means you need to drop by each day to cast your vote for each round or region.
"¢ Please don't be a tool and try to rig the ballot box.
"¢ If you want a good recap of last year's bracket, check out the "One Shining Moment" video above.
Anyway, to today's games. They come from the top half of the East Region. Here are the match ups:
(1) Gary England vs. (16) Chad Istook
(8) Bob Barry, Jr. vs. (9) Al Eschbach
(4) Jessica Schambach vs. (13) J'Ordy
(5) Amy McRee vs. (12) Larry Nichols
Read about each participant and vote after the jump!
(1) Gary England vs. (16) Chad Istook

About Gary England:
Conference: Idols of the Lost Ogle
Who he is: The most powerful person in Oklahoma
Biggest Strength: Protecting Oklahomans from those terrible twisters with presentations of Those Terrible Twisters. Determining who lives and dies. Promoting Lost Ogle drinking games.
Biggest Weakness: He uses his Facebook account to repeat Jim Inhofe talking points about climate change.
(8) Bob Barry, Jr. vs. (9) Al Eschbach

About Bob Barry, Jr.:
Conference: Nepotistic Sports Anchors
Who he is: Sports Director for KFOR Channel 4
Biggest Strength: I don't know, buddy! Why don't you tell me.
Biggest Weakness: Abiding by the KFOR Employee Handbook. Donuts.

About Al Eschbach:
Conference: Sports Animal Lackies
Who he is: Sports Talk Host for The Sports Animal
Biggest Strength: Knowledge of OU Football form the 70s and 80s. The ability to pleasure Barry Switzer.
Biggest Weakness: Having any sort of insight or knowledge related to sports outside the state of Oklahoma.
(4) Jessica Schambach vs. (13) J'Ordy

About Jessica Schambach:
Conference: Confederation of Hot News Chicks
Who she is: Evening anchor for KOCO Channel 5
Biggest Strength: Getting Paul Folger's attention.
Biggest Weakness: Responding to personalized love letters and poems.

About J'Ordy:
Conference: News Cowboys
Who she is: Scott Hines
Biggest Strength: Fighting for consumer rights as KFOR's "In Your Corner" reporter (R.I.P. Brad Edwards).
Biggest Weakness: Reacting to the threat of having a camera shoved up his ass.
(5) Amy McRee vs. (12) Larry Nichols

About Amy McRee:
Conference: Confederation of Hot News Chicks
Who she is: the one in the middle
Biggest Strength: Beautiful eyes and smile
Biggest Weakness: Lack of a belly button ring

About Larry Nichols:
Conference: Super rich business leaders
Who he is: CEO of Devon
Biggest Strength: Building really big buildings.
Biggest Weakness: Spending some of his money through advertising on obscure local social blogs.