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Time to finally reveal ourselves…

Over the past year, the one question that we're most often asked is "What do you all look like? Why haven't you revealed yourselves?" In fact, one very very very persistent hair stylist in the Dave Morris Fan Club has asked us some form of this question many times. The question usually contains the words "acne," "losers" and "jobless", and to be honest with you, it isn't really nice.

Anyway, in conjunction with our anniversary week, and to prove to everyone how handsome we are and that we are not scared to reveal our secret identities, we have posted four possible pictures of us. We'll leave it up to you all, our readers, to determine which picture you think is of us. Take a look after the jump...

Picture 1:


Picture 2:


Picture 3:


Picture 4:



Okay. So those pictures may or may not actually be of us. They may or may not just be some pictures of "cool" people that we grabbed from Look at OKC. And the girl in the green dress may or may not have green eyes. Regardless, If you got this far, you should still vote.

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