If you're a regular at The Lost Ogle, you may remember the brilliant idea we had called "WTF is Wimgo Week."
It was supposed to be an entire week's worth of posts devoted to OPBUBCO's "hip" and "cool" website for Oklahoma City.
Unfortunately, we failed to realize that besides being amazing and strikingly attractive, we are also tremendously lazy, so the whole "let's spend an entire week making fun of Wimgo" thing never really happened.
Anyway, from time to time, I imagine we'll still probably poke fun at the website that for some reason hosts a video of a bewildered Berry Tramel rambling on about Oklahoma City's traffic. Seriously, if you didn't know Berry Tramel was a sports columnist, you would probably think he was just some homeless guy complaining about the lack of revenue he earns at the 1-44 & Penn exit ramp. It's like the only thing missing from the video is Berry whistling into an empty bottle of Colt 45 an occasionally holding up a crudely written sign that reads "Anything Helps. God bless. That, and Jenni Carlson. Wait...nevermind.