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OKGOP County Official is Homicidal Maniac Behind Panhandle Murders…

According to OSBI, she helped orchestrate the murders of the two Kansas women. 

Oklahoma GOP leadership is taking its standard hypocrisy to disturbingly awful levels.

Last night, an Ogle Mole let us know that Tifany Adams – the evil grandma who OSBI claims viciously murdered Jilian Kelley and Veronica Butler in the Oklahoma panhandle as part of a child custody dispute – is the former chair of the Cimarron County Republican Party.

Here's a social media post where she's identified as such:

The news about Tifany's GOP ties has hardly been covered in the legitimate media. Maybe this is because they're uninformed, but in today’s vitriolic and divisive political climate, you'd think some new outlet would capitalize on this very clickable curiosity.

It made you click, right?

To give the revelation an even more sharable headline angle, Tifany is also a big-time fan of Donald Trump.

In fact, she’s such a deranged lunatic that she once heckled Jim Inhofe – one of the most conservative Senators in US history – at the state GOP convention because he was allegedly insane like she is:

Other people in the crowd began shouting for Inhofe to “stop wasting time” and to “get off the stage,” in the midst of his speech, including DeFuria and Cimarron County resident Tifany Adams. Inhofe continued to speak regardless of the detractors.

“Inhofe, he needs to leave,” Adams said.

“He needs to even leave the Republican party, we don’t need people like him, we don’t want RINO’s, we need people that stand for Trump, we’re gonna get Trump back in (office),” she said, referring to those known as Republicans in Name Only.

Hey everybody. The crazy lady who murdered her grandkid’s mom endorsed Donald Trump for president. I know you’ve probably already made up your mind in the 2024 Presidential election, but let that endorsement carry some weight. 

In addition to being a murderous MAGA official with the Oklahoma GOP, Tifany had a top-secret secondary side gig. 

OSBI says Adams provided burner phones to use so [the four accused murders] could communicate without using their personal phones. 

According to the affidavit, the four suspects and another man are part of an anti-government group that has a religious affiliation. OSBI says investigators learned the group, “God’s Misfits,” had regular weekly meetings.

God’s Misfits? Considering they just conspired to kill two innocent women, the better name would be God’s Demons. 

Another option would be God’s Fools – Because how in the world are you going to secretly overthrow the American Government if you don’t even know that burner phone locations are traceable? Do these murderous idiots not get CSI: Hawaii in the middle of Nowhere, Oklahoma?

Tifany made sure to throw around her weight in Oklahoma elections. As a county chair, she enthusiastically endorsed James Lankford’s little bible-thumping biatch, Jackson Lahmeyer, for US Senate:

Yep, nothing says you’re a lion protecting God's "values and plans" than murdering your grandkids' mother and an innocent bystander in cold blood.

I though about asking Oklahoma GOP Chair Nathan Dahm about one of his leaders being charged in a callous murder, but I figured he was too busy admiring his greatest Txweets to be bothered:

Anyway, our hearts go out to the victims of this sick case – Jilian Kelley and Veronica Butler – and their family members. It's sad and awful they got caught up with such an evil and vile woman, one who is emblematic of the modern deplorables who have taken over the Grand Ole' Party.

Stay with The Lost Ogle. We’ll keep you advised.

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