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OU coach insults Dean Blevins by not knowing who Dean Blevins is…

If you had to rank every member of the Oklahoma media based on ego, News 9 sports director Dean “The Stream” Blevins would be at the top of the list.

I guess you can’t blame Dean for thinking so highly of himself. 

A Norman native, the former QB had the athletic chops to play football and basketball at OU in the 1970s, and the hair, voice and vanity to make it big in the local TV news business from the 1980s through today. 

As a result, Dean’s one of the most recognizable faces and voices in the local media landscape – a household name that triggers warm memories from longtime OU fans, and cold night terrors from former News 9 interns and Interurban servers.  

Unfortunately for Dean, it looks like his star is fading with today’s younger generation. 

Yesterday, Dean snuck into a scrum at OU Media Day to ask 33-year-old OU defensive ends coach Miguel Chavis a question about his position group.  

After Dean gave a slightly snide response to Coach Chavis's two-word answer, Chavis turned to Dean and – unaware of the sportscaster’s name or rank within the media – started quizzing him about his workout routine, before going on a long-winded and more thorough response to the question at hand. 

Obviously rattled by not being recognized by an OU assistant coach, Dean quickly scurried away once Chavis stopped speaking, likely going to the handicapped bathroom to get on the phone with Barry Switzer, take a leak, and cry. 

Check it out. The question starts around the 15-minute mark:

Yikes, I kind of felt sorry for Dean there.

From OU co-eds to OU coaches, he’s been an instantly recognizable name and face in the metro for 50 years! He probably gets flustered when the Braum’s cashier doesn’t know who he is, much less a real-life OU football coach!

In addition to that, I like how Chavis didn't seem to believe Dean's a regular at the gym?! The dude played two sports in college, so that really had to hurt his pride. What's next? Questioning if Dean uses hair conditioner?! Eating his SmartOnes without permission??

As a result of these insults, I wouldn’t be surprised if Dean’s already working on a plan to get even. 

Maybe tonight on the news he’ll report there’s a 60% chance that Chavis is leaving for a coaching job at Florida, or perhaps he’ll ask Dusty Dvoracek on the Oklahoma Sports Blitz to toss Coach Chavis through a window on Campus Corner as retaliation.

Whatever the response, I hope Dean’s ego recovers in time for football season. I have a feeling it’s going to be another rocky year in Sooner Nation, and we’ll need him to ask stupid questions in press conferences to keep us upbeat and entertained. 

Stay with The Lost Ogle. We’ll keep you advised. 

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