Before I officially check out for the holidays and take a much-needed break from producing new content, I have a big favor to ask of Oklahoma…
Seriously, throw this handsome beast a bone and don't do anything too dumb or stupid that will require me to break out the laptop and hammer out an article while I should be watching football or opening presents or getting drunk or doing anything but writing an article about this stupid state for this stupid website.
Pretty please?
The last thing I want to do is actually work and have to write about Drew Stitt showing up drunk with guns to a Christmas parade, or Swadley's Foggy Bottom Kitchen announcing plans to expand in Qatar, or Crazy Carol Hefner crashing a Stitt family wedding.

Okay, so I can cross Crazy Carol Hefner crashing a Stitt family wedding off my list of things to write about. That's good to know.
I should clarify, things aren't going completely dark here at The Lost Ogle.
I do plan on re-publishing some holiday evergreen stuff that's wasting away in our archives, and next week we'll begin our countdown of the top TLO stories of 2023, but that's just simply copying and pasting.
The last thing I need is the state of Oklahoma to do something dumb. Hell, I don't even need it to do something right! Like, you know, Carly Atchison doing her job and answering the questions I asked her last week.

Anyway, I hope Oklahoma plays along with my request, but I doubt it will.
Either way, I hope you and your family have a happy holiday and a merry Christmas.
Stay with The Lost Ogle. We'll keep you advised.