Last night, Markwayne Mullen and TW Shannon – the two wealthy right-wing chodes vying to replace Jim Inhofe in the US senate – faced off in a debate on News 9.
Markwayne – the elitist trust fund plumber – and T-Dubya – the elitist lawyer and banker – didn't waste any time getting to the issues that matter.
According to Storme Jones – a former page to Jim Inhofe – this is how the debate began:
TW Shannon begins the New9 Senate GOP runoff debate saying “Yes, the election was stolen…” Mullen agrees “the election was stolen…”
— Storme Jones (@StormeJones) August 3, 2022
Yep, the two guys who have a combined 90% chance of being our next US Senator – I guess there's a 10% chance that Jim Inhofe can change his mind, unretire and keep his seat – both think the 2020 election was stolen.
Well, at least that's what they claimed. These guys are a pair of soulless, self-centered, and very pathetic politicians who, as we know, will say and do whatever they need to their Evangelical right-wing Oklahoman base to get elected.
News 9's co-moderator Karl Torp was for some reason surprised by their response and asked again to confirm...
Both GOP candidates for Senate in Oklahoma — Rep. Markwayne Mullin and former House Speaker T.W. Shannon — say the 2020 election was “absolutely” stolen from Donald Trump.
— The Recount (@therecount) August 3, 2022
In case you want to hear their answers more clearly...
From there, Torp and the other debate moderator – News on 6's Lori Fullbright – asked a series of questions that didn't really matter because, as I mentioned earlier, Markwayne and TW will say and do whatever they need to say and do to pander to Evangelical right-wing Oklahomans and get elected.
For example...
Shannon says there should be no exceptions for rape or incest. “It doesn’t matter what a creep the dad may be,” he says. Mullen agrees. No exceptions. “That’s still a life,” he says. He says his wife would die to give birth if her life were in jeopardy.
— Storme Jones (@StormeJones) August 3, 2022
As two guys who look and act like they'd have no problem paying for their mistress's or daughter's abortions, I have no doubt they were not being honest on that question.
News 9 also asked the candidates about the January 6th assault on the US Capital by a psychosis-suffering mob of right-wing extremists who want to overthrow the US government and turn it into some sort of anti-Democratic theocracy.
This was their response:
Shannon: Derp-Derp-Derp-Radical Media-Derp-Derp-Derp-Nancy Pelosi-Derp-Derp-Derp-Hunter Biden's Laptop
Mullin: Derp-Derp-Derp-Joe Biden-Derp-Derp-Derp-Left Wing Socialists-Derp-Derp-Derp-Hunter Biden's Laptop
Okay, I paraphrased a bit because I honestly didn't even listen to their answers, but as I mentioned in the headline, this was a Derp-Off.
Anyway, if you have more patience than me and want to get a sneak peek of one of the two goons who will be the next junior US Senator from Oklahoma, and somehow, someway, make us long for the wise counsel and leadership of Jim Inhofe, you can watch it at the end of the post.
Just be advised, it may make you end up feeling like Alex Cameron...

Stay with The Lost Ogle. We'll keep you advised.