Although I'm burned out on all things media, politics and propaganda at the moment, one of the neat things to watch in 2021 has been the rise of Stitt's new Propaganda She-Troll, Carly Atchison, in the Oklahoma twitter-sphere.
Ambitious, feisty, and still young and naive enough to care, she's a MAGA-fueled, "East Coast Elitist" that Stitt brought in from D.C. to assist in his continued efforts to mislead and distract Oklahomans through half-truths, spin and propaganda.
So far, she's doing a pretty good job.
A different breed of cat than the Oral Roberts meets Hobby Lobby crew that handled Stitt's communications in the past, Carly's taken center stage in the local GOP Troll Circle, fending off liberal attacks with one hand, while barraging all who dare follow with a warped mix of Fox News-inspired talking points, hot takes and bad metaphors with the other...

That tweet got the attention of overly-sensitive Oklahoma Democrats and left-leaning journalists. They called on Stitt to demand Carly's resignation. For the first time as Governor, Stitt made the right call and didn't. Regardless of how stupid a tweet is, cancel culture is oppressive, fuels intolerance and forces conformity. Basically, it's like a controlling spouse. It's a bad deal. Plus, Carly's job is to say stupid stuff online that gets attention. You shouldn't fire someone for doing good work.
Since that dust-up, Carly hasn't backed down. She's been hard at work trolling politicians and journalists, distorting information, and attempting to make it look like her boss is doing a good job.
In addition to all that, she's now even sparring with the folks at the Black Wall Street Times! Check out this email she sent them when they asked the Governor's office for a statement on an effort to remove him from 1921 Tulsa Race Massacre Centennial Commission:

See what I mean? She's a hell of a She-troll.
The reply, which was quickly shared on social media, naturally ruffled the feathers of the people who get mad about this stuff, and deservedly so. If someone from an activist media outlet like OANN wanted a statement, I'm sure Carly wouldn't have a problem giving it to them. In fact, she'd probably try to book Stitter for an interview! But when someone from the leftist-side of the activist-media wants a statement, she denies it. It almost makes you think she's nothing more than a right-wing activist working on the taxpayer's dime to promote and protect her boss, as opposed to a legit PR person.
As Carly's statement began to circulate on social media, she quickly realized the obvious double-standard and saw how some people could interpret her decision to single out a Black-owned and Black-serving media outlet as another example of the Oklahoma Racism Standard. As a result, she quickly apologized and...
Wait. She didn't apologize at all. She followed the Trump playbook and doubled down by sharing "activist" tweets from The Black Wall Steet Times' Sarah Gray:
I stand by what I said.
— Carly Atchison (@CarlyAtch) May 11, 2021
If you want to be taken seriously and treated with respect, that goes both ways.
Name calling, RTing bad memes, and crying out "White Supremacy!" (when the Gov is Cherokee) every time there's disagreement on policy is NOT journalism, it's activism.
First of all, someone may want to let Carly know there's a good chance that her boss isn't really a Cherokee. Second, I actually agree with Carly's assertion that Sarah Gray – a former worker for Mike Bloomberg's presidential campaign – is an activist. Sarah even agrees:
But Sarah being an activist isn't the point.
The point is that most "journalists" and media outlets can be considered activists today, and a state employee refusing to work with one media outlet over their views – while opening their arms out to other media outlets with opposite views – is hypocritical, two-faced, and possibly even racist. Basically, it's a lot like Carly's Twitter feed.
Anyway, I guess we'll continue to begrudgingly watch this saga play out and provide updates. Stay with The Lost Ogle. We'll keep you advised.