Red alert! Earlier this week, esteemed Oklahoma Representative and Trump-enthusiast Markwayne Mullin was interviewed by KTUL in Tulsa about “widespread” instances of voter fraud in the 2020 presidential elections. While Markwayne praised the efficiency and security of the Oklahoma election process, he seemed to be skeptical of the results of states that flipped to blue once the mail in ballots were counted states where fraudulent voting is supposedly rampant!
Via OKC Fox…
Oklahoma Rep. Markwayne Mullin joined NewsChannel 8 Monday afternoon to talk about allegations of "widespread" elections fraud in the presidential race.
ABC News, the Associated Press and other major media outlets have projected that Joe Biden won the election, but President Donald Trump is disputing that outcome.
Mullin, a Republican and vocal Trump advocate, claims he has evidence of elections fraud.
“We stand with the president by saying that every legal vote should be counted,” Mullin said. “That's true, but we shouldn't count illegal votes, and that's what the whole court base is, and that whole fight is, is that there was a widespread fraud here, and we know it, and how much of that determined the outcome of the election will be up to the courts to decide.”
I can’t believe I’m saying this, but I actually agree with Markwayne on a lot of this. In US elections, every legal vote should be counted and we shouldn’t count illegal votes. But it seems like voter fraud in the US is even less widespread than Markwayne’s MMA wins. In the interview with KTUL, when asked about his evidence for voter fraud, Markwayne responded with three anonymous, anecdotal stories of deceased voters "casting" votes and stated that he believed that voter fraud was widespread because, “we feel like it’s extremely widespread.” Well as long as we are using our feelings as facts, I feel like Markwayne is an ass-kissing embarrassment to the state of Oklahoma.
Here’s more…
Mullin told NewsChannel 8 that the president’s dispute of the election outcome isn’t undermining our democratic voting system.
He says there are “real people” coming forward with “real evidence” of what he believes is fraud.
It’s pretty bad when even a Fox News-affiliated television station is putting a republican lawmaker’s statements in “quotations.” When called out by the interviewer about the potential dangerousness of spreading the idea that our voting system is flawed and vulnerable to fraud without any real evidence, Markwayne responded with, “I just gave you three examples.” Well good job, Markwayne. Even if your anecdotal stories are true and three instances of voter fraud did occur in the state of Pennsylvania, that means Trump is still 53,216 votes behind Biden.
Now I don’t want to undermine the importance of making sure our voting process is secure, so I went ahead and searched for reported instances of voter fraud in Pennsylvania. Oh the embarrassment I felt when I learned that Markwayne had indeed closely called the instances of voter fraud in the state! According to the Lt. Governor of Pennsylvania, one instance of voter fraud has in fact been found: a case in which man had cast a vote in his deceased mother’s name for Donald Trump.
Election day lasted 117 hours. Follow Hayley on twitter @squirrellygeek and become a contributing member of TLO here.