Air fresheners seemed like they were a big thing in the '80s and '90s, but have fallen out of fashion. Maybe it's that I don't spend enough time in cars, but it seems like those pine tree-shaped pieces of cardboard that smelled vaguely like the thing in the picture have gone away. You've gotta dig through the weird depths of the local 7-11 to find them, that aisle with Pepto Bismol, zip-ties, and motor oil.
KOCO weatherman Damon Lane is looking to bring back air fresheners in a big way with a tweet announcement:
A few of you recently reached out asking for Damon Lane air fresheners. Packaging those tonight. If you'd like some for Christmas then message me your address and I'll sling a few your way.
— Damon Lane (@KOCOdamonlane) December 7, 2019
Okay that is weird and quirky and funny, but the number one question racking everyone's minds is: WHAT DO THEY SMELL LIKE?
The purpose of an air freshener is to make your car smell like some sickly sweet cherry scent for exactly two days and then lose all function. So aside from seeing the cubic, grinning face of Damon jiggling back and forth while you're stopped for eternity at the 63rd and May intersection, what other benefits do we get out of this air freshener?
Here's our ideas:

Hail Yeah!
The most obvious odor that Damon could have concocted is the smell of a piece of golfball-sized hail. It's super weird and specific, but there is a very particular scent when it's hailing outside. Even though it's just ice, which only smells when your freezer is full of funky old food, we all know that particular sensation. It's not at all soothing, but it's on-brand.

Week-Old Athleisure clothes
Damon's on the news every day, so like many other local meteorologists and newscasters, he's probably a work-out freak. This means he owns an entirely separate wardrobe that consists of moisture wicking smart fabrics from Red Coyote or Lululemon. It's easy to be tantalized imagining his jean meat stuffed into a pair of high-tech yoga pants, but let's be real: The day after you work out in that stuff, it produces a stink worse than Mike Morgan calling you out on Twitter.

Weather Dong Emissions
Look, it happens to every guy early sometimes, there's nothing to be embarrassed about. Just eat more fruit and it'll smell better, now grab me a towel please.

Rain And Smoke
Doing a quick Twitter search, the main smells Damon tweets about are rain and smoke. If you would like your automobile to be imbued with the apocalyptic scent of the end of the world, make sure to pre-order your air freshener now!

Damon Lane
The most obvious answer is that it just smells like Damon, he even confirmed it in the replies:
Yes, yes they are. It's my natural scent :)
— Damon Lane (@KOCOdamonlane) December 7, 2019
I've been told it's a blend of Michael Jordan Flight Eau De Toilette Spray for Men and mayonnaise, but cannot confirm.
If anyone out their in the Ogleverse gets their hands on one, we'd love to know the true scent!