I stumbled across the following image on Reddit today. I don't know if it's real or photoshopped or just some recycled meme, but considering it's one of the most Oklahoma things I've ever seen, I figured it deserves to be shared:

Even if it's fake, that's one of the greatest photos I've ever seen. It looks like a Toby Keith song come to life. If you scratch it, I bet you can smell corn dogs and Alpo. Whoever took or photoshopped the image should win a Pulitzer.
Anyway, if you know any details about the photo, please share them in the comments or call DHS.
Update: It's very real!
We now have video of those people being chauffeured around OKC in the back of that pickup! https://t.co/eHQ61C0kXj pic.twitter.com/ig42ZUtrwu
— The Lost Ogle (@TheLostOgle) October 8, 2019