Back in October, Major County Sheriff Steven Randolph made the news when he let one of his darn tootin' buddies –Brandon Trice Harmon – wear a ha-ha funny wig and glasses in a mugshot following a domestic violence arrest. Remember this?

Sheriff Randolph wouldn't explain why he let Harmon dress up like Kurt Cobain for a mugshot, but I figured it was because he has a good sense of humor and progressive views on law enforcement. In Norway, I heard they let prisoners choose from a wide variety of costume apparel for their mugshots. Why do mugshots in Oklahoma have to be so serious? Mug shot stations here should have the same variety of props and gags as any party photo booth.
The Blaine County Sheriff's department must feel differently. They wouldn't let Sheriff Randolph wear any silly items following his recent arrest for assault and battery, malicious injury to property and reckless conduct with a firearm.
Check it out:

First of all, I apologize for not including Sheriff Randolph in our recent ranking of the 10 Hottest Sheriffs in Oklahoma. That was a massive oversight. The way his chin casually protrudes out from the plump, rubbery neck makes me hotter than a basket of biscuits. To make it up to him, I decided to make his mugshot more festive:

That's better.
Anyway, you can read all about Randolph's arrest here. All he did was pull his sheriff's vehicle in front of his daughter's boyfriend's truck, get out of his car, walk to the truck, reach through the open window, grab the boyfriend by the shirt, threaten to kill him, and then storm off and fire his gun into the road. Just like his mugshot, that's pretty lame by Oklahoma sheriff standards.