In this week's Halloween issue, the once proud Oklahoma Gazette printed a gigantic green Wayne Coyne mask on the magazine's front cover. It's the perfect Halloween costume for people who like to cheat on their wives, snort blow with 18-year-olds and /or draw rainbow vaginas on notebook paper with highlighters.
Seriously, a Wayne Coyne mask? If the Gazette was doing that in an ironic, condescending way, that would be kind of cool, but they're not. They're just maintaining the magazine's long-lasting tradition of kissing Wayne's ass whenever possible.
Check it out...

Wow, pretty cool, huh? THE Wayne Coyne from the Flaming Lips. That's so alternative.
Please tell me they had some fun with this and at least printed a cutout of Miley Cyrus' coattails on the back cover:

No, the back cover is an ad just like 50% of the other pages in the Gazette. What a shock.
Anyway, is anyone else getting concerned about the Gazette? It used to be one of my favorite things to read, but over the past few years it's really gone downhill. It's totally lost its edge. It reminds of that cool older cousin we all had as kids. You know, the graphic designer who worked for an ad agency, lived downtown and had the awesome CD collection, but then went out and grew up, got married, had kids and is now so out of touch with the music scene that he or she thinks Wayne Coyne is still cool.