It's been awhile since we've written about Oklahoma State Senator Josh Brecheen (pictured above). Fortunately, his campaign released a video back in August to let us know the Durant lawmaker and leader of the Derplahoman caucus is alive and well.
Here's a description of the video via YouTube:
Please WATCH and share this FUNNY video of Josh, family, and friends announcing the kickoff event...
This fun, upbeat, outdoor event will be open to the public and will have free sub sandwiches, ice tea, BIG bounce houses for the kids, music and more, and will be attended by friends, family, district supporters, Senate President Pro Tempore Brian Bingman, State Auditor Gary Jones, Labor Commissioner Mark Costello, members of the Oklahoma legislature...and hopefully you if you can make it!
So, it's a FUNNY video? That's cool. I wonder if he shares with us his 19th century thoughts on evolution, or reminds us of how hard he fought to protect the rights of puppy mill owners? All of those things are hysterical in their own sad and depressing way.
Let's check out the FUNNY video:
Hardy har! That's darn tootin' FUNNY! I can't CONTROL my LAUGHTER or random use of CAPS.
Here are my favorite FUNNY moments:

• The City Walk Dancers. Seriously, could they have possibly found a more stereotypical looking group of rural Oklahoman country women to be in this video? Watching them dance reminds me of the time I got attacked by a Bachelorette Party on the Bricktown canal in 2005. The wild girl in red, who is probably Josh's sister-in-law, is cute in a CMT, FFA, Hobby Lobby, Mustang, lake party type of way. She dances like she should be in the cage at Graham's, or drunk on the floor of the bathroom at Cowboys.

• Josh's wife being visibly excited that she memorized her two lines of dialogue. At least I think she memorized them. She could have been reading note cards.

The Newspaper
Josh's wife calls their handyman or something to see if he read about the campaign kickoff in the newspaper. He then opens up the paper to the classified section and says something like "Sure enough, there it is" while looking at the Doo'rant classifieds. Is that a nitpicky minor detail they got wrong? Yes. Am I an asshole for bringing it up? Yes. Do I still think it's FUNNY and stupid. Yes.

• Josh's voice. I always assumed Josh had the voice of some Truck Yeah!, no-nonsense, I eat nails and gravy for breakfast type of guy. I didn't know he spoke like some dude learning how to read at the local library.

• The Joe Scarborough wannabe.
I bet this is either Josh's campaign manager or the one friend he has who at least looks kind of smart.

• Josh trying to hang a banner by himself. If Josh is so good at 'governing," why couldn't he get one of the people dancing inside the damn building to help him put up a banner? Just sayin...

• They hired me as a copy editor. In all fairness, I did ask Josh if he wanted the random quotation marks, spaces and the tiny random arrow to be included in the clip, but he was too busy hanging up that damn banner to respond.