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Janet Baressi would give Channel 5 an F on their report card…

1Diabolic Paul Folger

Yesterday, the Department of Education finally got around to issuing those school report cards that Premier Mary Fallin doesn't want anyone to question or criticize.

The local media covered the story with their usual brand of hype and gusto. Channel 5, though, took things a little too far:

koco edmund

First of all, I can see those "Edmund" elementary schools getting a C in math, English, science and history, but art? That's impossible. You can eat the paste, color outside the lines and make a hand turkey with only your middle finger and still get a B.

Anyway, I guess the real story here is that some Channel 5 intern inadvertently used the wrong "Edmund." That's not a big deal. It probably wouldn't hurt for the city to freshen up their image. Plus, I recently read a study by the National Institute of Science that people who commit typos actually have superior intelligence and make excellent lovers. That Intern should be proud.

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