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Law and Order

Oklahoma County Clerk Carolyn Caudill was boned out of jail…

When it reins it poors.

Perhaps inspired by the grammar excellence recently displayed by the Oklahoma State Department of Education, News 9 let everyone know on last night's 10:00pm news that Oklahoma County Clerk Carolyn Caudill was boned out of jail:

boned out of jail

I've never heard of anyone being boned out of jail before, but if it's going to happen somewhere, it might as well be at the same place where an inmate hid a gun in his anus.

Anyway, if you want to see something kind of funny, take a look at this pic of Carolyn Caudill that I found on the Oklahoma County Clerk website. Compare it to the mugshot above:

carolynn caudill

I don't really know what a county clerk is or does, but who knew being a master of disguise was part of the job. Is that even the same person? Mughsot Carolyn Caudill looks like someone who would fall asleep in the bathroom of a bar in Midwest City. Sears Portrait Center Carolyn Caudill looks like she should be selling life, auto or home insurance. Based on this DUI arrest, I wouldn't be surprised to see Carolyn doing either one in the near future.

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