As we try to get back into the regular flow of content this week, we wanted to mention a couple of things:
1. Life is still far from normal for all the people impacted by the tornadoes. They still need your help, and there are still plenty of ways to do that. You can donate money, volunteer, attend a benefit, etc.
2. On the topic of benefits, Saturday's Help Moore Benefit Concert helped raise over $8,000 for tornado relief. We'd like to thank all the bands for putting on a great show, all the people for coming out, and the Speakeasy for being great hosts. If you can make it out, please try to attend the Music 4 Moore show on Wednesday.
With that being said, our first order of business this week is to finish our countdown of the Top 20 Photos in TLO History. Remember that thing? Here's the list so far:
20. Emily Virgin Supporters
19. Berry Tramel College ID
18. Tiffany Tatro and friends
17. Joleen Chaney and Bobbie Miller Laying Watermelons
16. Al Eschbach Swim Trunks
15. The Adventure of Marla Morgan
14. Censored Young Jenni Carlson T-Shirt Coffee Mug
13. Any Pic Of Cardboard Jim Traber
12. Flaming Lips Posing With Hypocrites
11. Naked girl from Weatherford Golf Tournament
10. Revealing the OU Scrotal Assassin
9. Christina Fallin Engagement Photos
8. Emily Sutton Bikini
7. Sunny Kate Golloway Playboy Pic
6. Blake Griffin Dressed in Drag
Top 5 after the jump...

5. Tammy Banovac Playboy Pics
Date: December 2nd, 2010
Post: Tammy Banovac (the bra, panties and wheelchair lady at airport) posed nude in Playboy…
What We Said: The Lost Ogle has learned that Tammy Banovac – the woman who made headlines when she failed to pass a TSA screening at Will Rogers World Airport while dressed only in lacy black underwear and in a wheelchair – posed nude in Playboy in the 1997.
Banovac, who posed under the name Tammy Lynn Brewer, appeared fully nude as a “full-fledged D.D.S who savors French literature” in an April 1997 pictorial featuring “dental girls.” Check out a censored “yet kind of NSFW” scan from her pictorial after the jump.
What We Learned: That some nude ex-dentist "savors French literature" and kind of looks like a robot.

4. Any winning photo from our State Fair Photo Contest
Date: October 17th, 2012
Post: 2012 Oklahoma State Fair Photo Contest, Semi-Finals
What We Said: In a way, the finals of our Oklahoma State Fair Photo Contest reminds me of NCAA Men’s Basketball Final 4. It’s kind of anti-climatic. Sure, it’s cool to see who wins and everything, but the real fun is that first week when we get to see the field, pick our favorites and watch a Cinderella or two emerge.
What We Learned: I'm always offended when someone starts to talk about all the freaks that populate our state. I say, "Not everyone is like that. There are a lot of talented and open minded people here." Then people tell me they went to the State Fair and I have not a leg to stand on.

3. OKC Thunder Photo Leak
Date: August 30th, 2008
Post: Is this the Oklahoma City Thunder Logo?
What We Said: Underwhelmed? I know I am.
What We Learned: I bet you didn't know that TLO broke this story. This happened before there was a Twitter and when Facebook still sounded like a kinky sex postion for obese people. At least I think. Now most of us in OKC have an item with that logo on it.

2. Amy McRee Pink Bikini
Date: n/a
Post: n/a
What We Said: n/a
What We Learned: You see all those N/As. There was really never a specific post dedicated to the Amy McRee Pink Bikini Photo. It existed on the interwebs before this site existed and somehow became our own. That's probably because it was constantly referenced on this site for about five years. It got to the point where we would even write about the other people in the photo, including the loser in the back.
We learned that super attractive women like super rich Hollywood types. Also, water is wet, the sun is hot and I'll die alone. The last we heard she is living in California. According to her Twitter account she is a "Former T.V. newsie turned raw food novice." Wait. Raw food novice? I think that's just a person who buys groceries and doesn't prepare them. So a shopper. She's a shopper.

1. Jessica Alba Shark Photo
Date: June 8th, 2009
Post: Jessica Alba Vandalized Downtown Oklahoma City. Seriously.
What We Said: I guess it’s pretty cool that a hot Hollywood A-lister flew an animal rights activist to Oklahoma City to help her make an artistic political statement. On the other hand, what does this say about our city when a Hollywood A-lister has to fly an animal rights activist to town just for a little entertainment? I know we’re not L.A. or New York, but is Oklahoma City really that boring?
What We Learned: Hey, Patrick here. This was the first ever, and perhaps only, true national "news" story that we broke courtesy of the Ogle Mole Network. Someone sent the pics to us instead of the Gazette or Oklahoman or News 9. The day after we published the photos, there were about 50 different media outlets requesting to either use or buy the rights to them. We technically didn't own those rights, so I replied to each request with a really vague "I don't care if you publish them. Can we just get credit for it?" email which lead to me being interviewed by ABC News and weird things like this happening:
For that reason, and the fact that's it's Jessica Fucking Alba, we've given it the top spot.