This probably wouldn't surprise you, but Bill Maher is one of my favorite political and social commentators. I don't agree with everything the guy says, but he's consistent, rational, sharp, funny and totally irreverent.
Anyway, our celebrity mayor Mr. Mick Cornett was a panelist on last Friday's "Real Time with Bill Maher." He discussed issues like gas prices, the economy, and how clean coal and solar power is the answer to our country's future energy needs.
Here's the video:
Okay, I was joking about the clean coal and solar power thing. I don't want Aubrey McClendon, Tom Ward and Larry Nichols to force the mayor to resign or anything.
Considering he was up against a trio of professional talking heads — including a really good one in Dylan Ratigan — the mayor did well. He got in all the Oklahoma City Chamber of Commerce talking points, promoted natural gas and even said we need a new strategy for poor people. Hell, he even admitted that taxes aren't bad. Hope he doesn't plan on running for a different office anytime soon.
Also, isn't it neat that we have a celebrity mayor? Outside of Michael Bloomburg, Rahm Emmanuel and that guy from Newark, Mayor Cornett may be one of the most high-profile mayors in the country. If only he could have helped us land a lingerie football league franchise, then he could be the coolest mayor of all time. There's still time, mayor.