Welcome to Oglebating, our newest series, in which TLO contributors take time to serve the public by debating the most pressing issues of our time. Let us know if there's a hot topic you'd like to see discussed some time in the future.
Today, Marisa and Tony tackle the question people argue about every time they take a road trip to Dallas:
What is the best I-35 South Landmark?
The arguments after the jump.
Marisa: The Oklahoma Horseshoeing School (South Campus)

In this day and age, it seems like viable careers are few and far between. The majority of college graduates find themselves without a job and the search is usually harrowing, if not completely unfruitful. That's probably why so many of my friends have left the state to pursue teaching jobs in Texas. That and they feel like Texas history and science textbooks aren't as bad as the liberal media is making them out to be. So to Texas they go, never to be heard from again.
However, as they head down the highway, the see the Oklahoma Horseshoeing School, a school that boasts 90% of graduates going on to be gainfully employed in the horse industry. I like to think they stop there to gather the life skills they need to acquire the job of their dreams instead of seeking employment in Texas. And isn't it good to know that in this ever-changing world, there is a career training school that doesn't bow to the whims of technology like Francis Tuttle or Moore-Norman Technology Center?
That is why the Oklahoma Horseshoeing School is the best I-35 South landmark.
Tony: DW's Adult Video

When I'm driving to Dallas, what I use for navigation -- like explorers use the North Star -- is the porn store just on the other side of the river. Well, that and the road ahead of me, since you never really have to turn. But mostly the porn! There's nothing like passing DW's and thinking, "Well, there's the porn store, this trip has been successful so far."
The funny thing is that no one I know has ever actually stopped at DW's. Yet everyone knows what and where it is. That's got to make it the porn store most well-known by non-perverted Oklahomans (and by non-perverted Oklahomans, I mean: those of us smart enough to get our porn on the internet.)
DW's Adult Video Store is the Best I-35 South landmark.
Place your vote for the winner and speak up for the Wayne/Payne sign, Lazy S Ranch and that mountain in the Arbuckle's that looks like a bald man in the comments.