Despite repeated threats, no one at has ever been shot. The closest we have ever come is the time Patrick stubbed his toe leaving Edna's, to which he responded, "Why hath Gary England forsaken me!" So, should it ever happen, I doubt we will act as tough as OSU junior Kasey Cook.
According to a witness to a shooting near the Oklahoma State University campus:
"He (Cook) had blood running down his leg and he asked me if I just saw a guy running and I said 'Ya' and he was like 'He just shot me,'" Schram said. "I asked him if he needed to sit down and he said 'No, it didn't burn as bad as I thought it would' and I was like, 'Dude you just got shot and he sat down and made a joke and said 'At least it didn't hit my balls.'"
Then, in the ambulance ride to the hospital, Cook changed his Facebook status to say, "Just got shot in my leg!!!! Ouch it stings!!! In the ambulance on the way to the ER."
So, to sum it up, an OSU student is shot in the leg by an armed robber, walks to a neighboring fraternity house in pursuit of the thief, makes a joke, then social networks--and the biggest complaint he makes is "Ouch it stings!!!"
How did the assailant miss his balls? They've got to be huge.