This Thursday, the Oklahoma State Fair opens. That means it's time for our annual Oklahoma State Fair Photo contest. Just like the other years, the contest is pretty simple.
1. Go to the fair
2. Take pictures that capture the "true" essence of the fair (mullets, meth heads, pregnant ladies smoking, obese people rolling around on scooters, transvestites walking out of the women's restroom, Clark Matthews searching for the monorail, etc.)
3. Risk your life and eat a long ear of corn, Indian taco or cinnamon roll
4. Email those pictures to us
5. When the fair is over, we'll select our favorite pictures and let our readers vote for the three they like most. The three pictures that get the most votes will make the finals. The picture that gets the most votes in the finals will be declared the winner.
That sounds easy enough, right?
As an added bonus, this year's first place prize is a FREE dinner for four to the Deep Fork Grill on N. Western in Oklahoma City. Second and third place win some prizes from the Ogle Prize Closet, which probably means a t-shirt or a Clark Matthews autograph.
Anyway, to take a look back at the State Fair Photo Contests from years past, click the links after the jump.
Also, if you want to read a guide on how to blend in at the fair, check out my column in this month's Oklahoma Magazine. You have to register to view it, but it's so worth it...especially when you consider Kristen Chenowith is on the cover.
p.s. "“ Yeah, I write a monthly back page column in Oklahoma Magazine. Fancy, huh?
p.s.s - By emailing us a picture, you basically give us the rights to use it and make fun of it.