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It must be nice to be James W. Conradt….

The Oklahoman reported yesterday that a settlement has been reached in the stupid lawsuit filed against James W. Conradt, who is the Nebraska football fan who works for the University of Texas and made fun of the University of Oklahoma football team through a technique called "satire." Here is a run down of the settlement:

"¢Never again use any of OPUBCO's federally registered trademarks, including The Oklahoman and

"¢Never copy material from an OPUBCO copyrighted Web site without OPUBCO's written permission.

"¢Never falsely represent an article he publishes as being written by an OPUBCO reporter.

"¢Never promote, republish or publicly comment on his bogus article.

"¢Never publicly comment on any article authored and published by OPUBCO in The Oklahoman, on the Web site, or on any other OPUBCO-affiliated Web site.

Under the agreement, Conradt will be required to pay $25,000 per violation if he engages in any of those prohibited activities.

At first glance, the settlement looks like a one-sided deal in favor of OPUBCO, but then you realize that Conradt has a 100% legal excuse to never have to read or talk about the The Oklahoman again. Must be nice, huh.

Anyway, the reason I bring up this "breaking news item" is because next week we plan to post some totally fake and photoshopped pictures of Sam Bradford and Landry Jones doing lines of coke off strippers at Cover Girls. We are then going to then hide these pictures in a difficult to navigate and hard to find portion of our website. We will call this part of the website "Look at OKC." If you can find it...and it actually works...we hope you enjoy.

(The funny YouTube Clip above is from OkieFunk. The site is written by one of my old English professors. Scary.)

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