The coolest thing about the Medieval Fair of Norman is that it's one of the those rare events that we, as bloggers, can honestly say is dorkier than writing for a blog. The second coolest thing about the Medieval Fair is that unlike our State Fair, you can go to it with the understanding that the people with weapons aren't going to use them on you. The third coolest thing is that Clark Matthews will hopefully be there with his camera taking pictures and he will....
Wait. Maybe sending Clark Matthews to a dorky place with a camera isn't that good of an idea. That's why instead of counting on Clark Matthews to send us good pictures from Dorkfest 2008, we are asking for our readers to send us the good stuff. You know, like pictures of a caricature artist dressed like an old Lego archer, or Mike McCarville dressed as a jester while controlling the white pieces on the human chess board or...better yet...a group of young busty scantily clad maidens running through the Duck Pond while eating turkey legs.
Seriously, as long as it is not this guy is not in any photo, any quality picture works. Send them to thelostogle at And if your picture is published on The Lost Ogle, we'll give you a free trial offer to NetFlix.