If you live in the metro, you've probably heard of OPUBCO's newest project, Wimgo. Maybe you've received an e-mail about them or you've seen one of their advertisements somewhere. There's only one question. Just what the hell is Wimgo? As a public service, this week The Lost Ogle is digging around Wimgo's site to try and answer that question.
Today, Wimgo's Blog.
The Wimgo blog is apparently written by someone named Elizabeth. She likes a lot of things but doesn't like mayonnaise and cranky people. We're not sure if she has other responsibilities at OPUBCO, but if not, this is a job for which we would like to apply. Currently the Wimgo blog has a grand total of 15 posts over the course of three months, and nine of those are dedicated to explaining how to use Wimgo's search engine, which is apparently so complicated it takes nine freaking blog entries to explain it.
Of particular interest to us was Wimgo's blogroll. Check it out:

It's a veritable Who's Who of notable Oklahoma City bloggers. Notice anyone missing, though? Hmmm. Our feelings are hurt, particularly after all the free publicity we've given OPUBCO over the past ten months.
Conclusion: The Wimgo blog does not help us answer the question WTF is Wimgo?