Charles Haskell was not a good man. The first governor of the state of Oklahoma, it was Haskell who assured that the state's constitution included Jim Crow laws, did not include women's suffrage (voting -- for those who think I'm advocating the oppression of women), and most upsetting to Pat, statewide prohibition. Haskell did do one thing right, however.
On the eleventh night of June in 1910, Haskell "and a group of conspirators" (according to the pro-Guthrie Wiki-storian) assembled at the Lee-Huckins Hotel and set out for Guthrie to steal the state seal and move the state capitol to Oklahoma City. Of course, steal is an inaccurate word when you consider that there was a popular vote (men only, as we established earlier) related to where the capitol should be in which OKC, with its 6-to-1 population advantage, won. So suck it Guthrie.