Although watching your team be tossed around like a rag doll by conference opponents is concerning, one of the coolest things about OU’s move to the SEC is that it’s been way easier to keep OSU out of mind and out of sight!
No longer do I have to care about the scores of their games, their place in the standings, or—worst of all—OU possibly suffering a tragic and embarrassing defeat to them in Bedlam! I get to completely ignore them, which is exactly how it should be.
Well, that is until Mike Gundy says or does something stupid.
Yesterday afternoon, Gundy—the longtime OSU football coach who, like The Lost Ogle, peaked in 2011—went on a long, meandering rant in his weekly press conference.
Surprisingly, it had nothing to do with drunk driving.
This time around, instead of complaining about a Jenni Carlson column, he whined and complained to Jenni about the OSU fans who whine and complain about the terrible job he’s done coaching this year’s Cowboys team, claiming they’re nothing more than loser deadbeats who can’t pay their bills and have nothing better to do in life.
Here's some of the full text:
Unfortunately in life, most people are weak, and as soon as things start to not go as good as what they thought, they fall apart and they panic, and then they want to point the finger and blame other people. You see it happen in everyday life. People do it all the time...
That's what happens in college athletics. And as Jenni (Carlson) said, she's exactly right: It's just on the bigger stage where people can voice their opinion, and in most cases, the people that are negative and voicing their opinion are the same ones that can't pay their own bills. They're not taking care of themselves. They're not taking care of their own family. They're not taking care of their own job. But they have an obligation to speak out and complain about others because it makes them feel better. But then, in the end, when they go to bed at night, they're the same failure that they were before they said anything negative about anybody else.
Here's the audio in case you want more context:
Yep, that's right! Mike Gundy thinks whiny, complaining OSU fans who are disappointed in this season’s inferior football product are nothin more than broke and bitter nobodies!
It sure is nice to hear something coherent and accurate finally coming from his mouth, huh?
Okay, I’m only half-kidding.
Mike's rant was part of a broader diatribe on how he measures failure in his football program.
That being said...
Although I get a kick out of Gundy bashing all his whiny, loyal fans who are upside down on the F350 Super Cab Diesel they bought at David Stanley, I’d like to say that as a guy who a) makes a living as a professional complainer and b) has an 800+ credit score (Hey, ladies!), I take issue and offense with anyone who broadly paints criticism as only coming from jealous, insecure "failures" who can’t manage their own personal finances.
And I take double offense when the person making those complaints is a serial whiner and complainer who looks like he owns several timeshares in Florida:

Seriously, what a hypocrite! That’s like an Oklahoma state prisoner taunting a deer hunter for wearing Cowboy orange! At least my favorite team’s in-over-his-head coach – Brent Venables – is man enough to go to the podium, admit his team sucks, and not blame the fan base.
Anyway, now that I’ve written this article, I guess I can go back to not caring about OSU.
Well, at least until the next Mike Gundy press conference.
Stay with The Lost Ogle. We'll keep you advised.