Regardless of who the Governor is, there’s always been one consistent thing you can say about living in Oklahoma – ”Boy, our state sucks.”
Sure, some days and years are better than others – and I guess we have produced our fair share of country music stars and celebrity weathermen – but you don’t have to be a lifelong Okie to know that we’re usually running neck-and-neck with Arkansas, Louisiana, West Virginia and our ole’ nemesis Mississippi when rounding out the bottom of just about any positive ranking of US states.
Well, except for the ones about affordable home prices. We usually score well in that because, you know, not a lot of people want to live here.
Anyway, with many of the same challenges facing Oklahoma that have always faced Oklahoma – poverty, high incarceration rate, lack of quality jobs and opportunity, violent crime, teenage pregnancy, the largest per-capita population of truck nuts in the world, etc. – Oklahoma Watch decided to round up four former Governors and see how they would screw things up today if they were still in charge of things…

Question – Is it good or bad that 75% of our former Governors resemble turtles? I bet the snacks they serve at the event will primarily consist of carrot tops and lettuce.
Here’s more:
Please Join us Thursday, October 26th
Join us at 11:30 for a luncheon of intrigue and surprises as four former governors reflect on their time in office and weigh in on how they would approach some of today’s dilemmas.
October 26, 2023 at 11:30 am
St. Luke’s Methodist Church – Christian Life Center
Listen, no disrespect to these four affluent white people – especially the ones who subscribe to this website – but didn’t they already have their chance to screw up Oklahoma? Outside of Ted Streuli, who cares what they think? Stitt’s behind the wheel now and we really don’t need backseat drivers, especially if they've lost their privilege to drive.
For example, do we really need to hear Brad Henry – after he shows up 30 minutes late to the luncheon – explain how he’d use a lottery and dog track betting to fund teacher pay raises? I bet Frank Keating will probably spend his allotted time saying we need more police funding before calling everyone stupid for not voting for his wife. The only insight Mary Fallin can add is the best place to park a double-wide on the mansion grounds.
If you ask me, the only person who’s really worth listening to at this event is David Walters. Granted, that’s only because he’s a brutishly handsome kingmaker who enjoys throwing his money around at political ad campaigns, but I’d still listen to him speak and laugh at his jokes if there’s money involved.
Anyway, if you’re for some reason interested in attending the event tomorrow, I have some good news! Registration is closed, so you saved some valuable time.
Stay with The Lost Ogle. We’ll keep you advised.