I guess time really is a flat circle.
Yesterday afternoon, my daughter and I were waiting in line at Shimmers on N. McArthur for some snow cones – I’d recommend the strawberry sundae – when an Ogle Mole texted me the following image.
At first, I couldn't believe it:

Yep, six years after the original, the Quail Creek Golf and Country Club is holding another Fuck and Float this Friday night, with a weiner cookout beginning promptly at 6pm and a pool side fuck commencing at dusk.
Well, at least that’s what I thought.
After closer examination, I noticed the Fuck and Float was showing the same movie as the 2017 sex fest – The Secret Life of Pets.
That seemed odd. I then pulled up Facebook to see if Quail Creek had anything up about the event on social media. While doing that, another Ogle Mole sent me the image.
At that point, the snow cones arrived and I put my phone away.
After we got home, I noticed a couple of other Moles had messaged us the graphic on social media. I then did my due diligence and determined the graphic being sent to me was the same one we alerted the masses to in 2016.
As the day and evening went on, I had about six or seven more people send me the image. On one hand, it’s kind of flattering to be the first person people think about when a country club organizes a Fuck And Float – I better be first on the invite list to the Greens Suck and Slide – but, as an Internet publisher, it’s also mildly frustrating to have so many people send you something you covered to much fanfare and attention six years prior.
Later that night, I hopped on Twitter and quickly discovered the culprit for the Fuck N Float's resurgence. I guess some lady from Tulsa re-shared the image on Twitter and it took off in the OKC echo chamber:
Who wants to tell them?! 😂 pic.twitter.com/SYwlRJagO2
— Kimberly Blodgett (@Cabal_Educator) July 12, 2023
According to not-always-reliable Twitter analytics, the image from 2017 has been viewed 166,000 times, which is a lot.
On that note, I’m happy the Fuck N Float is getting the attention it deserves, and I'm a sucker for tweeting a screenshot of something and then watching it go viral, but if you’re going to respread a seven-year-old meme, shouldn’t you at least specify it’s old news and not just something you stumbled upon?
At the very least, tell people it’s something The Lost Ogle covered six years ago and there’s no need to alert us to it. Pretty please and thank you.
Then again. I shouldn’t complain too much. With the Fuck and Float graphic being reshared, it’s given me an excuse to write about it again which is cool. Plus, there’s still a chase Quail Creek will hold another Fuck N Float, but hopefully pick a better movie.
Anyway, if you stumble across old TLO content that people are resharing and presenting as new, please let us know. Even better, if you know of any old TLO content that we should reshare and present as new, please let us know so we can capitalize on it and feel that fleeting viral rush!
Stay with The Lost Ogle. We’ll keep you advised.