Like the alternative rock song of yore says, “What about breakfast at Tiffany’s?”
As they say in Noble, it's one thing we got.
Located at 101 Main Street in Noble, Tiffany's doesn't have the glitz and glamour of Audrey Hepburn wearing a black Givenchy dress, but it provides a solid down-home breakfast that keeps regulars full and happy, helping them start the day right.
In my case, though, I was ending the day, showing up around ten minutes until one, right around closing time. I felt guilty for the close-to-closing arrival until a women’s group walked through the doors, letting me sneak in by the grace of God. Hallelujah!
After grabbing a seat and cup of coffee, and admiring the claustrophobic art on the walls, I glanced at their un-cosmopolitan menu and was immediately in awe of what I saw…The Kenny Rogers ($9.95) breakfast.
Not for any coward in the county, this breakfast platter had all the essentials – two gargantuan biscuits and very homemade gravy, a mutually-grand omelet filled with scads of sausage, bell peppers, onion, tomatoes, and cheese, and a slab of complete hash browns.
Maybe it was Tiffany’s place, but I was all about the Gambler today!
Large enough to be delivered in shifts, my breakfast lunch started with the massive biscuits and gravy, which was a meal unto itself.
Power-packed and fresh out of the oven, the more-than-flaky biscuits were served with the overflow of creamy gravy for all-time dunking. Based on the biscuits alone, it ranks as one of the best breakfasts I ever had!
But somehow, it was topped by the gigantic omelet.
Even though the photographic evidence captured the great combo with the sausage, cheese, and especially the garden-ripe bell peppers, it was a rampaging monstrosity for everyone involved. With every bite, I was enraptured by the great taste and greater value, right down to the scrumptious hash browns on my plate.
Kenny Rogers always knew when to hold them, and especially when to fold them, but I couldn’t walk away until the plate was almost empty. This was a true country breakfast even without the famous name, and that's one thing I got.
Cómpralo ya!
Follow Louis on Twitter at @LouisFowler and Instagram at @louisfowler78.