"DERRRRRRRRRRRP-lahoma where the stupid sweeps out from the Governor's brain."
In his latest attempt to stick it to the libs (and public health experts), Kevin Stitt issued a video statement on Monday welcoming authoritarian, right-wing law enforcement officers who reject modern science and medicine to move to Oklahoma where they can be free to harass, target and intimidate citizens without having to get a pesky COVID-19 vaccine.
Or as Kevin Stitt calls it "Freedumb."
Check this out:
Freedom is the ability to say “No” - including to a vaccine for religious, health, or personal reasons.
— Governor Kevin Stitt (@GovStitt) November 22, 2021
If you’re an out-of-state law enforcement officer who is tired of politicians not having your back, I want you here in Oklahoma where we support you! https://t.co/2QWmZEFmzj
Geeze. It sure does suck to be a criminal – or law-abiding citizen – in Oklahoma. Not only do you have to worry about a cop shooting you when they pull you over, but there's a chance they can give you Covid, too! That being said, it could also make it easier to flee the scene of the crime because the cop's lungs will be so scarred and damaged from their Covid infection that they can't chase you, so I guess they balance each other out.