They're baaaaaaack!
Over the summer, we told you about the angry group of Edmond residents who hijacked the public comments section of a city council meeting to chastise the town's mayor for declaring June as Pride month across the OKC suburb.
The whole thing was like a 2009 Facebook thread come to life. One by one, angry white homophobes marched to the podium and angrily shared their draconian, out-of-touch views on homosexuality and diversity, confirming to the masses that yes, these types of people still exist and they're mad as hell.
One of those people was Cheryl Williams.
She's large, in charge, and doesn't like it when a city recognizes an oppressed group of people who don't live life according to her bigoted, antiquated moral code:

Well, I guess Cheryl has found a new cause to latch onto – book banning!
As Oklahoma Governor Kevin Stitt continues to fight for parents' unchecked rights to harass and terrorize school board members, Cheryl attended this week's Edmond School Board meeting to speak out against a book on the high school reading list called The Glass Castle. It's a best-selling memoir that's so grotesque, vulgar and controversial that it was made into a PG-13 film starring Brie Larsen.
Using the school board as her own form of primal-scream shock therapy, Cheryl went on an impassioned rant against the book, quoting lewd passages and even saying the word "cocksucker," before demanding that all the school board members resign.
Check it out:
I don't know about you, but now I kind of want to read The Glass Castle! If a person like Cheryl is against it, it must be a good book.
If you watched the clip, you may have noticed Cheryl also complained about Ted Bundy being taught to 4th graders. I think it was part of a lesson describing what happens to children who have angry moms like Cheryl! Zing!
Cheryl wasn't the only recognizable face at the meeting. After she spoke, another woman who opposed PRIDE Month took the podium to complain about the district's mask mandate. It kind of makes you wonder if these people are nothing more than crisis actors, doing work on behalf of the deep state or a foreign enemy to sew fear and division in this country.

In all honesty, her anti-mask rant was a bit too measured, calm and boring, so I skipped through it. Maybe she should give Cheryl whatever meds she's taking?
A few speakers later, another TLO favorite walked up to the podium – Stephanie Brady. We told you about Stephanie back in September when she shared a FB video rant comparing vaccines to greasy chicken tenders that give you diarrhea.
As proof that cancel culture goes both ways, Stephanie also wants the Glass Castle pulled from the high school reading list. Here's her rant:
Stephanie also did the world a favor and left a video on her FB page. If you enjoy seeing someone whose neurons aren't firing on all cylinders sadly attempt to formulate connected, logical thoughts, you're in for a treat!
For what it's worth, when it comes to selecting what books students should and shouldn't be reading in high school, I'm always going to trust the opinions of degreed professionals who have dedicated their lives and careers to educating students than I will angry moms with crazy eyes who do most of their "research" on their iPhone while taking a shit.
Anyway, if you enjoyed Stephanie's rants, I got better news for you – she is running for Edmond school board! Naturally, her big concern is something called "medical segregation."
I say this as a parent who doesn't have kids in Edmond Public Schools, but for the sake of TLO content, please elect this woman!
Anyway, you can watch the entire Edmond School Board meeting here. After Stephanie spoke, a right-wing parent who just moved here from California – sucks for us, huh? – went on a rant against something not taught in Edmond Schools – Critical Race Theory.
While you're at it, you should also read the district's clear, logical and plainly stated response to the parent's insane statements and comments. They explain why the Glass Castle was selected for the reading list, how Ted Bundy got brought up in a 4th-grade classroom and why and how school board members for some reason do what they do.
Stay with The Lost Ogle. We'll keep you advised.