Always looking to promote his reign as Oklahoma City’s camera-friendly Mayor, David Holt recently tweeted what I’m sure is an oft-told tale about the time he hobnobbed with heart-attack advocate Guy Fieri during a December filming of the hard rockin’ and harder eatin’ Diners, Drive-Ins and Dives program.
Entitled “Down-Home Flavor,” while it’s normally broadcast on Food Network, I had to pay $2.99 to view it on Amazon.
Fieri, spiked hair and all, took in the fine food of Florence’s Restaurant—a personal favorite of mine, reviewed here—a place that is not a diner, not a drive-in and most certainly not a dive. But with all the overacting zealousness that the walking Boondock Saints poster can possibly muster, Fieri thankfully hands the reins over to Florence as she makes her always-spectacular fried ribs.
She also preps her famous Yammed Fried Chicken, when, like a petulant child needing negative attention, Fieri busts out his “urban” dialect, presumably for comedic effect; thankfully, Florence ignores him, as I think most of us do, fully transfixed on that fabulous food.
Regardless, I sure do hope Fieri doesn’t steal that recipe for his bloated restaurant(s).

Filmed well before the Coronavirus took out most of public life in Oklahoma, the clip also features a “local food writer” eating ribs, but doesn’t give his name; don’t worry, it’s not me. Additionally, Holt isn’t featured either, which I bet had him cursing out his talent agent. I hope they at least got to take a ride in Fieri’s trashy convertible as he shouts out some random clichés from the driver’s side window.
Still, as fun as that probably was, I have got to admit it: after viewing this Diners segment, it sure made me want to make it down to Florence’s one more time and get some of those Fried Ribs and, if there’s room, Yammed Fried Chicken, before I have another couple of strokes, as well we all should.
But, in case you’re interested in my recent episode, this week I ate taco truck shrimp at Taqueria El Dolar; Fieri, Holt and the “local food writer” were nowhere to be found, but a homeless dude nursing a large can of Frio 6.0 in a paper bag sure was.
Follow Louis on Twitter at @LouisFowler and Instagram at @louisfowler78.