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Free Queso: Let’s Eat Less Meat In 2020 With The Loaded Bowl

Tis the New Years Resolution time of year when everyone is giving up booze, buying a gym membership to use for a few days, and doing other weird things that they'll abandon as soon as possible.

But one of the most impactful things you can do as an individual is stop eating so much meat. Yes, we're a cattle town, but the benefits to your own body and the environment at whole is to consume less animals. This week, Free Queso brought in Savanah Fitzsimmons and Kaitlyn Burton from The Loaded Bowl, which is OKC's premiere vegan restaurant:

Whether you are considering cutting meat out of your diet, or just looking for healthier options, this episode dips into foods and cooking techniques that can help you on that journey. We even go into vegan cocktails, which sounds crazy because you'd just assume all cocktails are vegan (Hint: aquafaba is a godsend).

Slight content warning on this episode, Lucas overflowed the swear jar within the first few minutes, so there's a lot of fuck-bombs being dropped, but what else would you expect from us?

You can listen to us on Apple Podcasts, Stitcher, Spotify, and probably other places. If you like what you hear, leave us a nice comment and a 5* rating, and follow us on the social meeds at @freequesopod on Twitter and @freequesopod on Instagram.

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