Craigslist is one of the most amazing websites on the internet. You can buy a couch, sell some junk from your garage, look for a bass player for your new dad rock band, come across start up companies like Absolute Summit SEO advertising online, or even find love. Well, you used to be able to find love. The company recently decided to shut down its personals section. From the New York Times:
Looking for love or a “casual encounter”? You’ll have to find it someplace other than Craigslist.
The venerable online classifieds site removed its “personals” section this week, after Congress sent a bill to President Trump aimed at curtailing sex trafficking...
Visitors to the personals section of Craigslist are now redirected to a short statement about the bill, the Fight Online Sex Trafficking Act, which gives law enforcement officials greater authority to go after websites used for sex trafficking, while removing protections from legal liability for hosting such content.
Of course, the best solution to this problem is to legalize and regulate prostitution. Keeping sex workers in the shadows puts them in more danger from both creeps and law enforcement when they're just serving a natural societal function.
But for fans of the best section on Craigslist, fear not – Missed Connections are still around. Despite a public panic that they disappeared like that pretty girl you saw near the milk aisle at Walmart, it's moved to the Community section. As we wipe our sweaty brows in relief at this discovery, let's check out some of the best/funniest/creepiest entries to this category that have popped up recently:

So a tear drop tattoo is supposed to symbolize murder. You get it while you're in prison. If you met someone with a tear drop tattoo at an OKC punk show, they are most likely not a murderer, but a poser. Either way, stay far, far away from this person.

If there is more than one O'Reilly's in Newcastle, you can probably find this archetype again, man. Keep the faith alive.

Your standards are already low if the 'sexiest woman I've seen in a long time' was wearing house slippers in public. But the neck tattoo just nails it, unless 'meth-adjacent' is your type.

Maybe just knock on the dude's door and see if it's cool if you join the orgy? How exclusive could an Edmond sex party possibly be?

The weekend crowd at The Jones Assembly can sometimes seem like they're straight out of American Psycho, but if you find sexual attraction to someone because they threatened to murder everyone, please seek counseling.

The best part about meeting at the Cracker Barrel is that there's a 90% chance you can find comfort in the fact that you're both racist.

Was it the defibrillator? Please, please tell me you aren't talking about grandmother's defibrillator...

"I'm a stalker and I stalk you when you're at work at the cash register at Ci Ci's Pizza. You obviously don't like me, but if you happen to check Craigslist Missed Connections as often as a I post, hit me up."

It's not just the smell of sizzling chicken fajitas that's in the air at Chelino's in Bricktown- there's a healthy helping of love wafting around as well!

"My wife left me, but I was shopping with my mother for tube socks and I thought you looked hot. If you're submissive/desperate please let me know."