I hope you're enjoying Black History Month, our country's month-long celebration of the achievements of African-Americans, the role they've played in shaping our American society, and the challenges they've faced dealing with racism, slavery and systematic oppression of their rights and freedoms.
The Oklahoman is celebrating the month just the way you would expect – by promoting Confederate Flag rallies with no context.
Via NewsOK.com:
The Oklahoma Division Confederate Flag Rally will begin at 11:45 a.m. March 3 at Wiley Post Park, 2021 S Robinson.
This year's rally theme is "Setting the Record Straight."
Sons of Confederate Veterans, those with Confederate ancestry and those who are interested in the topic are invited to attend. Answers to questions about confederate heritage will be given during the rally.
The rally is intended to celebrate confederate heritage, the confederate soldier and their related symbols.
Those attending are encouraged to arrive early. The location is reserved from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. for the event.
The theme is "Setting the Record Straight?" That's interesting. I guess it means organizers will spend valuable time educating the public that the Confederate Flag is a universal symbol of racism, oppression and hatred, and that the America Civil War was fought by rebels looking to protect the rights of individuals to own humans of a certain race as property without government interference.
This is the second year in a row that the newspaper has used its publishing power to promote an event that promotes a false, misleading, revisionist history of a universal symbol of racism. They're not shy about it either. It's been the top promoted story on NewsOK.com all morning: